Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

We’ve all known that he wasn’t a great business person and that he lied about how much money he was worth after his daddy gave him tons and tons of money.

And then he actually got on stage and said he didn’t have small hands.

That’s just a man totally insecure about his business success and his manhood.

Ya bruh, Trump was totally President in the 80s and 90s. You got me!

President Trump has a book about coming back from huge losses. Media may highlight whatever they’d like but this isn’t new nor did he deny having a terrible time financially for awhile. His saga was well documented as it happened.

His daddy gave him huge money. He lost more money in that decade that any American in the country and now he does everything in cash and can’t get a car loan from a US Bank.

That’s exactly the kind of dude that we want running the country and exploding our deficit and handing massively bigger debt to our children.

Did that book contain a chapter on having his Daddy bail him out and then setting up a corporation owned by Fred Trump’s children for the purpose of avoiding paying estate taxes by acting as a self dealing go between for equipment and supply vendors and Fred Trump’s business and then using that artificially inflated cost to justify increases on rent on rent stabilized buildings?

Because that would be quite a story if it was in that book.


He probably left out the part about committing a bunch of crimes like bank and insurance fraud too.

I mean if the President’s book about his comeback included the time when his Daddy bought over $3 million in chips at his son’s failing casino and never placing a bet with those chips which counts as an illegal loan in the State of New Jersey… that would be an impressive level of honesty about what really led to his success in the business world.


Doesn’t every father funnel illegal money to their son to the tune of millions and millions of dollars?

I should read this book about Trump’s comeback.

Maybe it will include the time his Daddy bought $15.5 Million worth of shares in Trump Palace and then later sold those shares for $10,000. No one knows for certain who those shares were sold to, but some records indicate that it was someone whose name rhymes with Fronald Frump.

This would amount to an illegal gift that the Trump’s avoided paying taxes on.

I would love to see if this art of the comeback book clears that confusion up.


Maybe the entire Trump family can get together and write a book together called “The Art of the Con”.

Alleged. :wink:

Once again, just because you say it is so doesn’t make it so.

What’s stopping you?

You know why this question is getting traction, @Jezcoe?

Because my guess is a lot of Trump supporters don’t get the implications of what you are asking.

They’ll think Trump paying cash for everything is a good thing…a sign that he’s now liquid.

I keep saying this but my cousin went to all cash after he got busted for not paying income taxes and had to file bankruptcy.

I think we all know why people deal in cash. The astounding part, at least for me anyway, is how an organization like Trump’s can pull that off.

I say that and we have historical examples of the mafia doing it. So I guess I shouldn’t be so surprised.

No… it happened.

There really was a company call All County Building Supply and Maintenance and it was really owned by Fred Trump’s children and it really did markup supplies to sell to Fred Trump’s company and those increased costs were really used to justify rent increases on rent stabilized buildings.

All of this happened.

You can deny it… but it doesn’t change the fact that it happened.

Instead of denial… it would be refreshing to just hear that people understand that this happened… they just don’t care.

That would be refreshing.


I don’t read fantasy anymore.

As a matter of interest did he pay back 100 cents in the dollar to all those he owed money to?

Especially for money losing golf courses in Scotland… a country that has come under scrutiny for it’s very permissive limited corporation laws that have given carte blanche to all sorts of financial shenanegans.

I guarantee there are people sitting around this morning thinking “Damn, I’m glad Trump did his business in cash. The democrats won’t be able to track what he did.”

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I am sure you are at liberty to provide proofs that debunks the allegations.