Debates yea or nay

Do you think that debates should be mandatory for Presidential candidates?
If so what’s your preferred format?

Not mandatory.

I can’t imagine how you would go about making it mandatory- unless it was some precondition by each major party that it was required in order to use the party affiliation.

If this is about Trump, it makes perfect sense for him to avoid the debates where he could go down in polling as every other primary candidate goes after him. Whats the upside for him to joining debates?

Why do you think they should be voluntary?
I would like to see everyone have to answer some questions.

I personally would looove to see GOP debates. But I’m a lib and I know it would be a firework show with DeSantis and Trump going after each other tooth and nail.

But I can see why Trump would want to bow out. And I can’t see a true mechanism for making them mandatory.

I dont really care about debates but I say we have them. I dont want Biden or the Republican nominee ducking out.

I do think it would be extremely hard to avoid the General election debates. But those arent mandatory either. I think there is a more of a downside to bowing out of those for Trump tho.

The problem with Trump not debating in the GOP primary is that he wants Biden to have to debate him in the general. If Trump doesn’t debate in the primary he gives Biden a great excuse in the general.

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Looks like the brandon supporters want to see the old bird in debates. Probably because of how incompetent he is and they are worried.

I think a cognitive test should be mandatory every 1-2 years as a president. Debates not so much, there was a time when debates could really determine a race people were not so die hard partisan. It seems now people just vote for team D or R even if the current lineup sucks, and debates matter less.

I think Joy Behar said it best a few days ago on the view when asked about Biden’s cognitive concerns. “I would take a drooling Biden over any Republican” sadly, I think that’s the majority of people now.

Not mandatory, but I think they should have at least a debate or two. But if 2024 is Biden vs. Trump they should just skip it. What do we not know about these two?

Let “the market” decide. The market is the voting population. If a guy ducks debates and the market demands them, the candidate’s “sales” (votes) will suffer.

Personally the current debate arena doesn’t really uncover anything new. In this information age, every candidate statement is scrutinized whether it is made in an interview, press conference, tweet, or debate.

Debates have become little more than an episode of Survivor. Which candidate launched the best zinger? Did the guy stutter? Sweat? Shake the wrong hand? Make a funny face? Which candidate did the fly land on?



How could it possibly be compulsory?

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Yes as the politics stand now i would count myself in that group where i look for the r behind the name. To be more clearer, it doesnt have to be r. But certainly never a d behind the name.

In my idea political scenario, i would vote for the person who exposes the republucans and democrats as nothing more than the same political party who puts on a show for an audience. So far that person who closely comes to that is trump.

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primary debates? that’s so ANTI democratic

you will vote for leftist joe and love it.

I’d love to see the dem debates.

With RFK Jr and Marianne Williamson? Why?

Anybody with Brandon. Literally anybody. Sponge Bob will do.

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Yeah for sure. Same reason I’d love to see Trump up there debating during the primaries.

debates are not about answering questions but to get talking across to the general public.


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