For me the dead noes (will not vote for in primary or general) are:
Trump (I have obviously been dead set against Trump since he entered the 2016 race.)
DeSantis (He has gone out of his way to alienate me, particularly with his heavy handed governing style and his persecution of Disney.)
Ramaswamy (He has gone down the same populist, conspiratorial route as Trump.)
Haley is at the top at the moment
I would be willing to vote for the others (primary or general). I wish Pence and Scott would lose the abortion messaging, which would help them and Pence should reconsider his “consensus vs leadership” opinion.
But that is just my opinion.
What is YOUR opinion. Please give your favorite and any definite noes.
This wasn’t a “do you support the presume innocent trump” this was will you support jury found and convicted felonious criminal trump " question.
I liked him until he ran fro Governor of Cal. and lost. He was a terrible candidate and out of his league. He should have let the Mayor of San Diego run by getting out of the race.
I cannot get past his childish immature antics. A President should actually act Presidential and calling people stupid names, throwing temper tantrums just because one doesn’t endorse you, etc.
He is an embarrassment to the office and we CAN do better.
Support for SA war in Yemen and moving US military to protect Saudi Arabian oil infrastructure after the Saudis got their ass kicked in fall of 2019
putting on hold 20b in aid to Puerto Rico for no good reason after the hurricane
kowtowing and praising north Korean, Chinese , and other dictators while trying to shank NATO. Supporting Chinese propaganda language calling the honk Kong protest “rioter”
appointment of “acting” officials in high level positon to get around Senate confirmation
worst job record leaving office since Hoover
leaving multilateral agreements like JCPOA, TPP, Paris accord among others without anything to replace or improve
protectionist policies and tariffs that led to increase farm bailouts.
shutting down the federal government 3x in one year while having GOP control of both house and Senate .
increased federal deficits every single year BEFORE covid
But the most important bad Trump policy :
Attempted an autogolpe to stay in power after having lost a constitutional election
But this is not the thread to discuss that and I won’t derail Safiel thread anymore.
I also find it funny democrats are pointing to neocons that republicans should vote for, you know revert back to the the party of perpetual war again, good stuff.