D.C. Statehood vote

Posted before the edit. Missouri, where I live, is not Rust Belt either. Do you know why they call the Rust Belt the Rust Belt?

And after looking, I will correct also, Indiana is a part of the Rust Belt.

You might want to check your facts. I-80 corridor from NY to Iowa is the Rustbelt.

No…why don’t you tell me?

Nope…midwest and moderates

There is no precise geographical location on the Rust Belt. It has to do with economic factors, population declines, and comparisons to manufacturing capabilities post WWII. Places like Missouri and Iowa are no longer considered part of the Rust Belt. The area commonly referred to the Rust Belt now has shrunk dramatically since the early 1980’s. Missouri and Iowa, with the heavy farming and agriculture production from the two states are now known as part of the Farm Belt or the Corn Belt.


RUST BELT refers to an economic region of the United States concentrated in the formerly dominant industrial states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. By the 1980s, the Rust Belt became what the Dust Bowl had been to an earlier generation—a symbolic name for a devastating economic change. The 1984 Democratic presidential candidate, Walter Mondale, is generally credited with coining the term. During the campaign, Mondale, the former vice president from Minnesota, attacked the economic policies of incumbent Republican president, Ronald Regan, stating that the president was “turning our great industrial Midwest and the industrial base of this country into a rust bowl.” The media, however, repeated and reported the notion as “Rust Belt,” and the phrase stuck as a good description of the declining industrial heartland, especially the steel-and automobile-producing regions in the Northeast and Midwest.”

!-80 corridor runs through the Rustbelt. From NY to Iowa.

Now tell me why it’s caller the Rustbelt again?

The term gained popularity in the U.S. in the 1980s. The Rust Belt begins in central New York and traverses west through Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, and the Lower Peninsula of Michigan, ending in northern Illinois, eastern Iowa, and southeastern Wisconsin.

I just did. Knowledge is power. Being uninformed isn’t any fun.

Remember I was the one that predicted the fall of Rustbelt…your so-called blue wall.

I know that region well…and why it’s called the rustbelt.

Virginia already got its land back.

I-80 doesn’t go through NY.

Uh huh. And the 78,000 votes spread across three of these states that landed Trump the Presidency, just swung back to Democrats in spades in 2018, by massive margins, leading to the largest Congressional victories for Democrats since Watergate. The forgotten man remains forgotten by this worthless administration. Manufacturing is not back to the tune of 25,000,000 new jobs as promised. Coal is not back thriving as was promised. Agriculture and farmers have taken a beating by this administration, with more farmers declaring bankruptcy last year than they did during the great recession.

Voters are abandoning the GOP in droves as the tent continues to shrink. Governing by fear and dark propaganda does not work as well as entertaining or campaigning on fear and propaganda, like what Fox News and Trump’s first election campaign did. The majority of Americans reject Trump and Trumpism and its cruelty it seeks to impose on others.


Do you know why I-80 corridor means? Its about hundred miles or so north and south of it.

now why is that?

Maybe you can get your buddies to help you out.

Its always been a problem to the people who live in D.C

I-80 is well over a hundred miles from the area in NY you stated was in the rust belt. It’s 1-90 which goes straight through NY from approx Syracuse (Central NY) to Buffalo (Western NY.)


So they dont deserve representation why?

OK. I laughed out loud at this one.

As if the current structure is doing a good job constraining corruption!