D.C. Circuit Orders Judge Sullivan to Respond to Flynn Mandamus Petition

He’s not paying for it.

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do they ever?

No, we end up doing it somehow or another.

I don’t think Judge Sullivan can raid the judicial slush fund for a private attorney. I believe he has to pay for it out of his own pocket.

And I believe Beth Wilkinson commands, at a minimum $2,000 an hour. She will be writing a brief on his behalf, but may have to engage in an oral argument if the DC Circuit demands it.

10 billable hours would be $20,000.

And she cannot cut him a break on her usual and customary billing rate. That would be perceived as a “favor” and would prevent her from representing clients before him in the future.

I seriously doubt that the Good Judge will be putting out any of his personal monies. Probably a long line of attorney’s in DC willing to do this Pro Bono.

P.S. If you truly believe this is a 10 hour kind of gig, you have another thing coming. Would not surprise me in the least if 100’s and even 1,000’s of billable hours are being poured into this by Wilkinson’s firm’s best and brightest.

What is a “judicial review”? And why would he be impeached? That will never happen.

A high crime and misdemeanor includes acting in a way not consistent with your Oath of Office.

Although conviction is extremely unlikely in Senate, Judge Sullivan could get impeached in Jan if Trump is re-elected and the Lower Chamber is controlled by the Republicans.

He will not be impeached.

Again, lookup Stephen Reinhardt and Manuel Real.

Stephen Reinhardt repeatedly defied the Supreme Court and openly said they couldn’t catch them all.

Judge Sullivan is not going to be impeached over this one act, nor frankly should he be.

If Congress never impeached Real for half a century of defiance or Reinhardt for 40+ years of defiance, they clearly should not impeach Sullivan for a single act.

Judge Henderson will be busy speaking to the manager.

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Your opinion is duly noted.

We will have to agree to disagree. We will see come November if…

The country is now in the official age of impeachment.

It would be a useless act.

If he thought that there was enough votes to impeach and a 2/3rd’s majority in the Senate to acquit, Sullivan could evade impeachment by simply retiring immediately on his current $216,400 a year salary. By leaving office, he removes the jurisdiction of Congress to impeach him AND keeps his lifetime pension.

Any Article III Judge who has passed 65 years of age and has satisfied the Rule of 80 essentially has an escape hatch from impeachment.

Here is a similar link with a commentary and without a paywall:

It looks like it is extremely unusual for a judge to get an attorney in order to respond to a request from a higher court. One possible explanation is that Judge Sullivan could face disciplinary action if the higher court finds that he acted improperly.

Why do you ignore the fact how this particular Judge is being defiant from purely a political perspective?

Plus counter points:

If Trump gains re-election it proves the Trump impeachment was useless.

Sullivan understands a Senate conviction is nearly impossible. Thus he stays on with no need to evoke Rule of 80.

don’t be naive, he’ll be retiring after this case to write his book.

Yes, disciplinary action cited in this article puts both Congressional censorship and impeachment on the table.

Furthermore, it questions why an impeachment inquiry is not already merited for Sullivan:

If Congress were doing their constitutionally vested oversight responsibility of the judicial branch rather than using it for purely political purposes, this is an example of a case meriting impeachment inquiry. Not because the House should side with any politically charged bias, but because Judge Sullivan certainly may not. Federal judges may be removed from office upon impeachment and trial in the Senate. Fifteen prior federal judges have been impeached and of those, eight resulted in convictions and removal.

That’s the same probability as Trump had of being elected. It will be sweet when citizens traditionally voting Dem realise Dems are to blame for the collapse of areas they control and the Dems lose a large number of the senate seats they are presuming will be theirs.

And the judge gets Karma .

It took me a minute.

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According to bovadasportsbook.com, Trump was listed as a +375 underdog entering election day 2016.

That is a probability pretty far apart from being impossible.

If you rather meant to write Sullivan has of being convicted in the Senate via impeachment is the same probability of Trump, I agree.