Cultural Appropriation

American “exceptionalism.” No superiority complex there.

When discussing Sacred beliefs of one culture, analagoies are formed in comparison with another. I’m this case with yours, in order to make the discussion relatable.

It’s done all the time in different kinds of discussions. If you didn’t want that, you could have just said not to make things relatable.

I’m talking about the whole “don’t make it about me” when someone comments on YOUR posts.

Oh trust me we are right behind them. No disagreement there.

Japan, US, France, Russia. The four countries with the biggest egos.

you mean, you lost

which the poster did

shouldn’t have to

it shouldnt be necessary to call on a poster’s beliefs to make a point about some culture

you can discuss indians without commenting on my “sacred beliefs”

if you cant, then you need to work on that

Well let’s get right down to it then: suppose somebody wears a Halloween costume portraying St. Mary, the mother of Jesus, as a rape victim? Let’s take it just a bit further, and give her a clipboard with a petition demanding that God be canceled.

Is that offensive? If so, that may help you understand the point the poster was trying to make

it’s much less offensive than just stupid. no one’s going to get what the hell that get up is about

how is that any kind of “appropriation?”

how is it even a culture?

Which happens every time your posts are cornered… it’s a tactic.

Mary is Christian culture…

You can see though, how a historically marginalized people would take offense to their culture, and sacred traditions being used flippantly, and as a plaything by others?

still all about me

Your posts…

when you can address the topic c’mon back

Okay then, I understand. Thanks.

my pleasure

Lol. Culturally Implied.


“culturally implied” is pure nonsense

no wonder you couldn’t type that without laughing out loud

攘夷 expel the barbarians

Look it up and get a good laugh.


Very grudgingly do they accept western influences.
