Originally published at: https://www.hannity.com/media-room/cruz-moves-sen-ted-cruz-introduces-bill-for-25-billion-border-wall/
Republican Senator Ted Cruz and other GOP lawmakers introduced legislation Friday that would allocate upwards of $25 billion for the construction of a physical wall along the United States’ southern border with Mexico.
The WALL Act was introduced by Senators Ted Cruz, Jim Inhofe, John Kennedy, and Mike Rounds, and would “fully fund” the President’s signature wall by “closing existing loopholes” that provide benefits and other government subsidies to “illegal immigrants.”
“I have long called for building a wall as a necessary step in defending our border and stopping the flow of illegal immigration into our country. The overwhelming majority of Texans and Americans want to see the border secured,” Cruz said in a press release. “The WALL Act would fully fund the border wall by closing existing loopholes that provide illegal immigrants with federal benefits and tax credits, without affecting the benefits and tax credits used by Americans.”
Legislators from both parties have until the end of Friday to prevent a partial government shut-down should they fail to reach a budget agreement.
Read the full report at the Hill.