Crit Crap Makin' For Head Shakin'


Because discussing ways to plant more trees isn’t as provocative as fictional attitude.

Lack of focus and problem solving skills.

Not everything.

Redlining is though

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It is what the story says. And now there is a nascent movement afoot to shift from single family to multi family and build more tenements.

Because “nobody needs that much.”


Well, it’s important to know why we should plant more trees, right?

Otherwise some might complain about spending money unwisely.

Yeah, they reached that goal.

Could use another million trees.

“The windows are painted shut,” Scott said.

Hmmmm…can that be fixed?


Who told you that?

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Yeah…mother nature is racist. :roll_eyes: :rofl:

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Not without effort.

Green space funding is easy to get.

The article does go into solutions. Building out a green space infrastructure and providing 24 hour cooling centers.

Crazy as it sounds it’s not easy if the tracks aren’t he sashes ride in have decades of paint on them.

Sometimes not without rebuilding it he jamb.

No. Stacking the ant bed might have. Or concreting over everything.


If you don’t think redlining is racist just say so.


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I don’t.

Not is. It’s been illegal since before you were born.

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I hadn’t heard they already reached the goal. Good news.

DOT required a street tree every 25 feet when construction/renovations are done.

Why did only minorities end up in those neighborhoods and not in nicer neighborhoods?