Creepy Porn Lawyer Represents Democratic Party

Is Michael Avenatti the kind of person you want representing the United States of America, with his abuse of power, and abusive ways?

Well the Democratic Party seems to love him. Gee, I wonder if the Democrats morality is pretty much the same as Mikey’s is? lol.

The new face of the party, I bet he still would have won, or been top three…

You mean the guy polling at 0-1% in polls and who received so much blow back for his antics that he dropped out before his candidacy was even a thing? Yeah, he’s the Democratic standard bearer alright.

Well, the Republican Party morality is at the same level as Dumpster Donnie, the creepy guy who left his new wife and baby son at home to ■■■■ that porn star.

they do? any evidence of this?

did you mis-read the articles title?

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Compared to the party who elected a creepy guy who was ■■■■■■■ porn stars behind his new wife’s back? Ok…

The president you support slept with a porn star, cheating on his pregnant wife. Look in the mirror and find a new way to attack Libs without looking a hypocrite.

new democratic standard bearer? but he hasn’t lied about sex under oath or anything…

Missed us, did you?

Don’t leave out the prostitute loving Slick Willy(Bill Clinton)
His morality has been the poster boy and girl(Hillary Rodman), of the
Democrats for over 20 plus years. lol.

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What power does a creepy porn lawyer have to abuse?

Aww, you’re a daisy.

I for one am glad our ■■■■■ grabbing, lying, thieving, adulterous president is showing us a stark contrast to the immoral Democrats and providing us all with an example of virtuous living.

I do not think that Avenatti is supported by Democrats.

They say that pocket aces is the sexiest hand in poker.

Are you holding two aces right now?

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He wouldn’t win the nomination.

I mean come on. It’s hysterical that the Democrats are being label the party of porn stars, when the sitting Republican president has banged at least one. Truly funny.

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Avenatti would vote for Avenatti. That’s about it.

So PocketAces, do you play? When you get dealt pocket aces, do you raise or do you play it smooth?

I raise every time, if you know what I mean.

As for Avenatti, he might get support from his family and friends, if he has any, but I doubt it.

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And A Creepy Child Molesting Rapist and his wife have represented the
Democratic Party for over 20+ years, and have been the face of it! lol.

Or! We could always ask Bill Clintons Cocaine dealing brother?
Speaking of. Didn’t Slick Wllly pardon his Drug dealing brother?
Ironically, nobody cares about the Clintons any more.
How much were their tickets? 11 bucks? lol.

What do you think Bill and HIllary about having sex with underage girls?
They both agree.


What do the Clintons have to do with a thread about Avenatti?