Countdown to President Harris...How long till Joe Resigns?

I think Biden will be out before the end of this year & Harris will be President.

Today’s news conference was just embarrassing. He’s barely lucid.

It’s going to be a disaster, but, hey, it is now…

So…what you think? How long you think till Joe is out?

He could very well be primaried don’t rule out Hillary as crazy it sounds she has a solid base and arguably more popular than Biden (Not to mention sharper and younger). Nevertheless I still think he will try to stick out to be the nominee in 2024.

What happen? Did he stutter?

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Sharper and younger….Hillary? The one people here said was practically dead running through all the diseases she had when she coughed?

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She is sharper and younger than Biden I have listened to them both talk she doesn’t ramble on and she technically is younger. She fell that once going into the car, but haven’t they all been slipping and sliding since we decided as a country we were going to start nominating over 70s for office.

It just feels like whenever Hillary’s name is brought up it’s by someone who is at the same time grinning ear to ear. Like if I said the best choice for the GOP in 2024 is to back Don Jr.

If I had to guess, he runs again in 2024. Kamala seems terrible.

I hope Biden doesn’t resign…Harris would be even worse.


I have said it before if he is to bow out, it will be after the 2 year mark. That way Harris could still run for two terms


That stubborn cognitively challenged lifetime liar will NEVER NEVER NEVER resign.

Harris was picked to assure that he won’t be usurped by his cabinet.

Now it is plausible the Biden Puppet may not make it to 2024. Only way we get President Harris.


No, he was very clear.

He clearly told putin he could take a little more of Ukraine.

Then his puppetmasters tried to untangle his mess.

It was no big deal.

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If we didn’t know better one could say Biden colluded with Russia to shave off some Ukraine turf.

We all know better that it was the Orange one doing all the colluding.

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Ukraine first!

Ukraine hasn’t owned since the last guy was president. There is cease fire. The territory is in a state of rebellion and does not recognize itself as part of Ukraine.
Oh and Ukraine first! It happened on the Orange one’s watch. Just fyi.

They probably did another reset button after they were done lying about collusion. :wink:


:musical_note: Whatever hunter wants…hunter gets :musical_note:


You got him now!

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Now, later…Whenever.

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Any day May be and if not well can always keep waiting.

One retraction away. May be.

Keep spinning with your head in the sand.

It’s gonna be hilarious when you wake up.

I’ve waited this long. I can wait longer.

Job has nothing on me.