Couldn't Have Said it Better Myself

You know that you’re a Republican when a crisis occurs that tests your value system at its very core, and you make the morally correct decision.

I am not able to do that, so I vote Democrat.

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Holy ■■■■ do i ever wish you fiscal conservatives would stop electing people that completely ■■■■ up our deficits and debt.

I’ll just say as a fiscal conservative, I didn’t vote for Trump.

And, since I’ve seen what he’s done to the deficits and debt, there’s no way I ever will.

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Its funny how the democrats are the party of fiscal responsibility.

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What’s funny is all the posters in here pretending they don’t vote based on the letter behind the name.

Pull the other finger. :joy:


How would you know that?

“What’s funny is all the posters in here pretending they don’t vote based on the letter behind the name.”

Yep and they’re always the first to talk crap about those who choose not to vote (because “none of the above” is actually the best option.) and then have the gall to talk about “having principles” to boot. :roll_eyes: I’ve never understood that. I thought it took principles to take a stand and not support the crap sandwiches thrown our way just because we’re given those options. (who are supposed to be working for and representing US by the way.)

After GW was elected twice, comedians joked that we’d elect anyone to the White House. As it turns out, they weren’t really joking.

They key takeaway is that many Trump supporters still mistakenly think this is about ideology instead of realizing that the integrity and reputation of this country is far more important than any one issue.

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Exactly. And that is also an issue. One the OP seems to conveniently ignore to celebrate blind partisanship.

I feel bad for people so beholden to partisanship that they have to overlook character, and pretend the character and leadership of our elected leaders are not also a core issue for them to decide on whether they support it or not.

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The bolded part of you post is EXACLTY what Trump is not.

Fiscal conservatism…


What? Spending borrowed money like a drunken sailor isn’t fiscally conservative? :rofl:

Hows that Fiscal thing working out for ya?

There was a time in my life when I pretty much DID vote for a letter of the alphabet. Quite a while, actually. From 1990 until 2016, I pretty much voted straight “R” down the line. Trump broke me from that in 2016, so I have him to thank for that.

Now I put a hell of a lot more thought into who I select when I’m in the voting booth.

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I’m kind of assuming you are still conservative on most issues? Would that be a fair assessment?

If so, in the 2016 election you had two viable choices. Based on prior responses, I seem to recall you voted for Johnson. In my mind that is simply a vote for Hillary.

So when you say you put a hell of a lot more thought into your vote, what exactly does that mean? Did you vote for Johnson simply because you believe he is of better moral character?\

What do you do when you have two candidates with questionable moral character, such as Hillary and Trump? One of them will be the next President. So do you simply cede your choice to others? Or do you hold your nose and vote for the one that best matches your own conservative ideology?

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I’ve never understood the argument that there were only two choices. My ballot had more than 2 choices on it for President in 2016. Lol

I voted for Evan McMullin, as his policies most aligned with the values I wanted in a candidate.

I don’t limit myself to two choices. What other people do in that regard is irrelevant to me when I am making the choice as to who will receive my vote.

Yes, I knew my guy would likely lose. That doesn’t negate the fact that he was the best choice for me. I voted for my values, as opposed to voting against someone.

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Yeah, I never got that argument either. There were a whole host of candidates available for me to write in on my ballot.

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Oh, and in 2018, I actually voted for a Democrat in the House. He was fairly conservative, but beyond that, I was voting (in that particular race) to create a more equal balance of power for the purposes of accountability. There are other issues besides just ideology that I look at sometimes.


The mentality that any Republican is better than any Democrat has driven me from this party.

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Good starter. But eventually (even now), his flawed character will weaken the issues you care about.

His inability to discipline his tongue is creating havoc in the markets and international relations. I’ve always admired issues voters who steadfastly avoid partisan politics, but in my view, his character has become the biggest issue.

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