CORTEZ CONFUSION: Cortez Wants Exactly $0.00 ‘Allocated’ for Trump’s ‘Racist’ Border Wall | Sean Hannity

Incoming Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez weighed-in this week on the Senate’s ongoing fiscal fight over President Trump’s border wall; saying $0.00 should be allocated for the Commander-in-Chief’s signature campaign promise.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

The Prez and his supporters should thank her for her assistance because it appears to me that she is enabling Prez Trump to keep his campaign promise that Mexico would pay for the wall and not the American Tax payer.

The gift that just keeps on giving and the strategy with her is every time she gives her opinion on anything, Just say, Your correct Congresswoman.
Sean should have her on nightly for a five minute 'Roseanne Roseannadanna- As I understand It."
This young lady should be a bit of fresh air to all of us. She has a unique take on world events and maybe we can better understand just who she represents.
OH, Never Mind.
We should all take thirty seconds and remember a beautiful woman named Gilda and the disease that took her away from us way early.