Cornell University leads the way with its vaccination program

Quote it.

It’s right there in the archives.

Search for it.

You’ll find it.


I’ve been thinking about this. Good argument against periodic testing of the asymptomatic such as required by the Jbiden mandate.

Add it to the CDC recommendation to use a symptoms based approach for clearing quarantine and what do we have?

Asymptomatic, non-diseased can still spread it.

If you are sure you were infected and the symptoms clear up, you are no longer `contagious. Actually, isn’t it like 48 hours after your fever breaks?

You can be a carrier and spread it to someone who does develop the disease. Screening is important in public health and in personalized medicine. Adults of the correct demographic are screened for STDs. Those of other demographics undergo cancer screening. Screening to prevent spread or development of fulminant disease is not unique to COVID.

How and what are they spreading? What does the “D” stand for in “COVID”?

That is not true.

If you are carrying, you have it.

Have what? Disease is causative agent plus detrimental effects. Disease is not causative agent alone. Every human on the planet is colonized with staph, strep and/or e coli. Not every human on the planet is diseased because of them.

What does the “D” stand for in “COVID”?



Are you serious?

Correct. COVID-19 is the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2. You can have the virus and not the disease it causes. You can have staph and not have necrotizing fasciitis. You can have strep and not have pneumonia. You can have E. Coli and not have hemolytic-uremic syndrome. You can have a seasonal flu virus and not have symptomatic “flu.”

You can have COVID and be asymptomatic


False. This is used by the media and for simplicity reasons but is technically incorrect. By definition you cannot have asymptomatic COVID-19. You can have SARS-CoV-2 without symptoms. You can be an asymptomatic carrier of SARS-CoV-2.

Well… you’re wrong

LOL. Go ahead. Look it up.

I have. Your profession is wrong.