Conway and spicer asked to resign positions

Junior didn’t meet with Russian operatives during the campaign.

Breaking news stop the presses.

It’s in the report.


So just ignore that none of us care if they were fired, got it.

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None is a throwout word.

I’d say few. Well except for the aggrieved.


Yeah, we get it. You don’t care, despite repeated post by you and others in the thread.

You got me, repeated posts saying I don’t care, somehow proves I care.

Yeah. One would suffice. You don’t even have to enter the tread.

Yet here you are.


So carry on with your bad, not caring self!

Remember when trump was too much of a ■■■■■ to fire Comey himself and Comey found out from the TV while giving a speech to FBI agents?

That’s leadership!

Comey was canned because he is a liar and sucked at his job.

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Great interpretation. Comey knew he was going to get the sack, he just didn’t know when. Comey is a bald faced liar and should have been indicted for lying before Congress.

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Ya, the only friends Comey had in the FBI were lying bureaucrats just like him.

If you quit you can’t file for unemployment benefits?

Think these are unpaid positions.

Why didn’t trump fire him to his face? Why did he let CNN do it for him?

And trump lacked the balls to fire him to his face.


these are unpaid positions.


CNN needed the “Orange Man Bad” TDS ratings??

Trump’s background is business not a politician that does things for political leverage. In Trump world the CEO doesn’t fire subordinates, when underlings are no longer an asset to the company, security is called and the loser is escorted to the front door. Comey is and always be an ■■■■■■■ not worth the boss’ time of day.

Can’t stop laughing at this one!!

So funny.

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