Constitutional Capitalism V Democratic Socialism/Marxism

Are you going to elaborate or is this more mystery games?

They don’t.


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What about it? Socialism doesn’t dictate any hiring or firing practices. But if you don’t want your employer to be able to fire you for your Trump bumper sticker, then end at-will employment.

Hey look…you learn to copy and paste.

As a graphic designer its expected that I know how to use Photoshop.

That’s incorrect, but have a nice day.

This insulting our intelligence is getting old.


If that’s incorrect, then prove it.

I mean no insult to your intelligence… but you are very ignorant on what liberals want and believe.

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Or maybe that ignorance is yours.


Nope. It’s yours. I know because I’m actually on the left, unlike you.

I see…that’s why libs feel the need to control people…because libs think they’re smarter/better then individuals.


Both sides want to create laws and regulations and believe they are smarter/better then the other side. See laws against abortion and laws restricting transgender people from using the restrooms that correspond with their gender identity. See drug laws.

The type of control as presented in the OP is not something the left wants to do.

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What serious lib or Democrat is seriously advocating for a social credit system mentioned in the OP?

For that matter, Conan and @Ceasar how is it that you can get all worked up over this fiction of an American social credit system, yet remain noticeably silent about Texas SB 8?

That bill is literally Stasi police state stuff, yet day after day you float these baseless accusations against The Left.


Both sides? You don’t see me wanting more laws and regulations…but I do see YOU wanting more laws and regulations.

Yeah…libs are always being oppressed.

Really…socialism is all about controlling individuals wealth for their own individual interest.


Read that thread…I made my statement/comment. I don’t need to repeat myself to satisfy libs.