COLLUSION CRUMBLES: Senate Intel Chair Says ‘We Don’t Have ANYTHING’ that Shows ‘Collusion’ | Sean Hannity

The chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee told reporters this week that his panel has yet to see “anything” that would suggest the Trump campaign colluded with Russian officials during the 2016 presidential election.

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The reason that the Spanish Inquisition lasted 360 years was because the Crown found it a good way to seize property and wealth and eliminate malcontents and opponents at the same time. There is no way that the Democrats are going to keep things going that long, but they are sure trying to use the examples of the inquisitors to accomplish their goals. All we need is for them to get out the thumb screws and the rack. Oh wait, they already have. Their version of thumb screws is to threaten family members like they did with Gen. Flynn.

Looks like Mueller will have to lie in his final report, but that will be the signal to start investigating him.