Cohen admites he made the stormy payment at trumps diection

I would say there’s a zero percent chance he gets impeached.

With the mens rea for the conspiracy statute?

I’m not sure I’m seeing your argument.

And don’t worry - I understand that you’re not defending Trump.

The official trump Twitter is going to be ablaze tonight. Looking forward to all its glorious nuclear meltdown.

By this current congress? yeah no way

Thank you for contacting me and sharing your concerns. Your views on issues affecting our nation and community are very important to me. This is an automated reply to confirm that your e-mail has been received.

Although our office receives a high volume of e-mails, we review all of them and strive to respond in a timely manner. I look forward to working with you and for you in the days ahead.

They’ve been lost since day 1.

But with a new House, impeachment is really a question of when in my mind. But never fear Trumpistas- I still think the Senate would not convict…yet.

Congress could decide tomorrow that putting grey poupon mustard on a hotdog and impeach the president and nobody could stop them…

Oh I agree…they will cover for him because the base

Russia hacked GOP e-mails. Cohen was deputy of their finances. I don’t think they are covering for Trump.

If they dont Impeaxh because the base will vote them out, then yes they are…then again I dont want him impeached…I want this to run till 2020…everyday

Good. The automated response.

It’s still summertime, so likely it will be an intern will be looking at your message to assign it the most relevant key word or words to drop it in the queue for the automated reply based on that key word.

In your case, it will probably be, “impeachment.”

However, if the intern didn’t like the tone of the correspondence or had recently been rebuffed by, say, another intern in Congressman Anthony’s office, he or she may “accidentally” miscategorize your missive into something else like, say, “designated hitter rule.”

I would never have done that when I was an intern, though. Never.

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No conspiracy against US i get .

Count 7 is an unlawful corporate contribution

Count 8 excessive campaign contribution.

Where does the conspiracy for these two come in? That’s the part i am confused about.

Does anyone have link to indictment. I can’t find it

Mueller earned his $1MM today.


(Seriously though, epic takedown)

Let me think about this some more.

I’m only a rising 2L, and it’s been a long day. I’m going to try to remember Crim, and work it out a little.

Oh for some reason i thought you were practicing :smiley:. Third year of law school is the biggest waste of time imo. It should be two years

Drudge Report leading headline, in bold red font:


No word yet on how and when the Deep State infiltrated Drudge. :wink:
