CNN: Student loan relief contributing to 27% jump in projected federal budget deficit, per CBO

I thought the USSC ruled OBiden has no constitutional authority to “forgive” student loan debt and dropping the debt into the laps of the taxpayers.

Oh look, a Dimbulbcrat staffer making $80k a year gets his debt “forgiven”?
This fat slob couldn’t pay back $8k?
I hope his next trip to the auto mechanic, has an A/C tech or plumber come to his house he gets a bill for $8k. Karma’s a bitch lard ass.


Court rulings are only for republicans.
The Biden WH changed a few words and punctuation marks of the student debt giveaway and went right back at it. “Hey they struck down that order, not this one!”


Biden is defying the SC.

That’s a dangerous thing to start.

He needs to go for the sake of the country.


Can’t wait for Trump to bring up the topic of the growing budget deficit.

I will give props to the op who has been arguing for the reduction of debt and deficit for years and even supports a presidential candidate who is actual fiscal conservative

Everybody else? A dem in power? Let’s talk about deficits :joy:

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You know it’s 2 trillion a year now…I remember all you libs bitched and complained about 1 trillion. But in reality you all said hold my beer. :wink:

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That’s the debt :blush:

Your filter needs the prejudgement smudges cleared off.

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Nah. Bias is my friend.

this crushing debt is a problem. buying demokrat votes is expensive. so is funding a global enrichment corruption scheme disguised as “war for retards”

guess who pays that bill?


Also, flooding the country with the world’s poverty and making the US taxpayer pick up the dime is very expensive.


Plenty of that hypocrisy to go around.

Back during the WoT days the deficit was only 3.4% of GDP and the LMSM and numerous libs here acted as if it were the end of the world. “We can’t afford this war.” “What are we doing to our children? This war is gonna bankrupt us and leave us in generational debt,” seemed to be pretty common sentiments at the time.

I don’t know how you felt about Bush’s 3.4% wartime deficit, but it sure seemed to matter to a lot of libs at the time, and now suddenly it doesn’t seem to matter.

As for Donald Trump, he had no war going on and he still managed to borrow and spend more than George W. (Shame on him.)

if you take Donald’s Trump biggest pre-COVID deficit ever, and multiply by 1.7, you still don’t reach the levels of Joe the-spending-machine Biden, not in absolute terms, and not in percent-of-GDP terms.

Donald Trump:
“I can spend more than the globalist neocons without even fighting a war.”

Joe Biden:
“You call that spending? Here, hold my ice cream cone.”

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Unfair comparison.

Biden started with a deficit exploded by Trump’s pre-covid hoax breaks and incredible levels of covid era stimulus spending.

Trump started with a deficit in decline from the great recession.

The comparison is 100% fair.

  • Donald Trump came in to office with Fed’l tax revenue much higher than George W was working with and still gave us annual deficits $570b higher than George W. had while fighting two wars.

  • Joe Biden came in to office during a HUGE upsurge in federal tax revenue, and still managed to borrow 1.7 times Trump levels.