CNN declares America over

None of that means “the U.S. is over”

you do know what “post america” means… right?

and no, i don’t agree at all. all of this is not a sign that america is over as much as cnn might want it to be. its a sign of what they won’t admit. brandon is a weak ass idiot who niether our friends nor allies will follow and our enemies niether respect or fear. rather than admit that… america is over

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This is what happens when you don’t do the favors Trump asks. He lets his friends loose.

odd, putin must be confused… or maybe its just your tds? pssst… brandon is the president

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“tds”. Back to the kids table with you.

did you ever leave it? blaming trump for russia invading ukraine a year after brandon became president is a sure sign of tds.


I don’t think America is anywhere close to being over.

But I do believe strongly that we are reentering a bipolar world again, where the United States Alliance System (which is a catch all phrase for our various partnerships around the world) is going to be strongly challenged by the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, led by China and Russia.

Basically a repeat of 1945-1991. But fraught with more danger.

Agreed. Democracy V. Authoritarianism

Iran attacks American diplomatic buildings in Iraq and brags about it. Under Trump, they would be denying any responsibility due to the severity they could expect as a response. But not now. He just gave them a cushy nuclear deal negotiated by a criminal Russia, and they know he is ready to beg them for oil.
It is amazing that a country could fall so,low so fast.

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However you cite a CNN (who many here claim that no one watches) Guy make a OP-Ed and use it to bash Biden. I call that BDS.

lol, nobody needs cnn to bash bradon. he’s a weak ass idiot and rather than admit that, cnn declares america is over. our alies and friends neither trust nor follow us, our enemies neither respect nor fear us, thats just reality

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He is attempting to sanitize the killing by allowing some progress in KSA.


What…ya mean the rest of the world can see what 81 million Brandonites couldn’t?

Not the guy that literally wrote a book called The Post American World like fifteen years ago thinking the age of American hyper power is over.

I do because I actually read the book. You’re just guessing though and acting like you know. But why.

i don’t need to read it to know what “post american” means or to know its ■■■■■■■■■ and i sure don’t need to to know that america ain’t the problem here, brandon is.

i’m also not surprised at all that you would choose books wishfully thinking about american decline

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While trump was effectively undermining and weakening NATO, and moving toward pulling the US out of it, why would Putin do something at would galvanize the alliance?

I agree.

If only we could form a partnership to alienate the authoritarian China and lessen their control over commerce…

Trump did more to improve NATO by threatening to pull out if…each member didn’t fulfill the promises they all made to each other in maintaining armament readiness? Now…what was the result? I’ll let you fill in the blank?


Trump stood up to the other NATO nations and demanded they pay their fair share and leftists here freaked out claiming he was trying to undermine the alliance.

Just another item where the smartest guys in the room were the dumbest.

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