CNN can be sued for destroying organization that was rescuing people in the Afghanistan chaos

During the Afghanistan evacuation, there were individual organizations that were extracting people from Afghanistan. Some of them came under attack from opponents. The one in this link was attacked by CNN and was forced to stop its work. It was essentially destroyed by the hit piece.

Now a judge has decided that the organization can sue CNN for damages.

Even if he is made whole financially, I wonder how many more people would have been extracted had he not been forced to stop when funding sources dried up after the hit piece.

And all this is buried in the media. All I could find were minor-source coverage links behind paywalls.

Edit: So the previous link is actually just a thread on the Free Republic’s discussion page.

Here is the original complaint that was d against CNN

Couldn’t be happening to a more deserving propaganda outlet. Hope he Sandmanns them all. :+1:


Maybe after they get cleaned out by libel lawsuits, their tag line will change to “This WAS CNN.”


CNN’s vicious and self-righteous slander removed Young from the equation and condemned an unknowable number of Afghans to death."

Absolutely disgraceful.

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This case was dismissed a month ago.

So does that mean his proper venue for submitting a liable case would be in EU courts (if the story appeared there)?


No, he could probably file in most state courts in the US.

I could find in your link where it says that.

And this link from earlier this month says otherwise: