Church burned in apparent reprisal for support of protests

Considering how much the Federal government has stolen from us over the years to give to places like Alabama? Yeah, that’s real troubling. :laughing:

He’s not going to answer. He knows you got him.

What’d I tell y’all…it’s different. :rofl: :joy: :laughing: :sweat_smile: :sunglasses:

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Strange. Pretty sure I already said I was.

Why yes. Yes I did. :cool:

When you guys in your poor red States start chipping in your fair share of Federal taxes, get back to me, K? :roll_eyes:

Then going forward, let’s observe if either of us is a hypocrite because I see lots of problems ahead, in mostly Democrat run areas, that are going to require a lot of money and it’s comforting to know that you’re against a handout. :sunglasses:

Getting back some of what we already paid in isn’t a handout. It’s a refund. Thanks for playing.

It’s different…as I thought you’d say…making you a common hypocrite, using your own words. Thanks. :sunglasses:

Reading comprehension clearly isn’t your strong suit. Maybe you should consider working on that. :laughing:

If there’s a spike or steady increase in new cases we’ll just claim the number of new cases is in a steady decline. Easy-peasy! Sound familiar?

UPDATE: Church-goers have found way of legally attending services under the current COVID restrictions:

Here is additional information for fact-checkers at Snopes: The Babylon Bee link is a joke/satire.

Let’s stick to debating and away from personal please.

So typical…and what we come to expect from em.