Chris Wallace: "I believe that President Trump is engaged in the most direct sustained assault on freedom of the press in our history,"

It would not get enforced but it would be pretty obvious to viewers who was not complying and they could form their own opinions.

I get that many like the merging of news and opinion. Fox has been the master of that and it has attracted a certain demographic that has been lucrative for them.

Wallace has been almost universally anti republican with the exception of the blue bloods throughout his career.

About the only Republicans he’s ever tolerated were those like Gerald Ford and Eisenhower.

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They’re supposed to? They might as well label most of it satire, if we’re really going to go that route.

I remember how well it went over when a certain leader thought having the FCC check out how the media chose their stories, newsroom monitors etc. was a good idea. Same one who actually spied on reporters.

Chris needs to dial it back.


why cant Trump criticize the press without that violating freedom of press?

Was Wallace this concerned when his hero was in office and this ■■■■ was happening with the press?’


So if someone takes a swing at you and misses that means they didn’t attack you.

For what Wallace said to be true President trump would have had have taken some executive action that restricts what reporters may report on, how they may report on it or even fine, file charges on or take other governmental action against reporters or news agencies since this has not happened to date i must conclude that Wallace is full of excrement. Calling reporters or media organizations names or calling them out when they lie or distort does not count as an assault on the freedom of the press. Hey waaahlass call us when your dumb buttocks is in jail. Until then shut the hell up. -as in close your festering gob and quit talking until the vacuum builds up in that thing between your ears and your cranium implodes.

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If there’s anyone left on this planet, that is still in the dark regarding the press being an extension of political parties and promoting their agenda, regardless of the truth and facts…then there’s nothing more to say or do for your enlightenment.

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A little perspective cry baby: One of your own frequent panel guests was actually imprisoned for withholding the identity of her sources from a previous administration. Tell me, genius, has Trump imprisoned any reporters? In other countries reporters lives are at risk from their own governments. they are frequently jailed. whole networks are outlawed. you sir lack any kind of perspective, any kind of rational basis to make your claim and you are a disgrace. You whine about being called names because you have a guilty conscious. you know the names he calls them and claims he makes about them are actually pretty accurate. you know they suck. You know you suck. And you’re sensitive about the unrivaled sucktitude that is the media today including your sorry melodramatic whiny fifth point of contact self.

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I agree that isn’t what is being done. What is being done is establishing distrust of all news sources. Do you think that is wise in the long run?

Yes, they aren’t trustworthy.


Like revoking press credentials?

That appears to be the truth manifesting itself.

The news outlets have betrayed the middle class trust.


No. The White House can do that with or without cause and you know the couple of times the WH has done that has been for cause. Being a member of the press does not give you the right to be abusive to the president or his staff. the people who were shown the door were shown it because they were abusive. even if they were not abusive the president or his staff can show them the door for any reason or even without one. getting tossed out of a press briefing does not infringe on the right of a reporter to report. it does not shut down his media stations or organizations who regardless of reason write what they want to anyway.

Some people just have a bizarre notion of what exactly infringement on the free press is.

Yet a federal court ruled he couldn’t… hmmmmm…

Can anyone show me the part of the constitution that says a given reporter has a right to access? Or the part that say a president has to have press conference or press briefings or provide a gaggle of reporters with transportation. They can do thier “jobs” (such as those jobs have been lately) whether the President indulges them or not.


Need another ruling?

LOL. oh a federal judge… should i get out the hymnals and incense braziers and holy water sprinklers? like a judge’s judgement is correct because he is a judge. the most holy of holy. all genuflect to the dress wearing idiots that have besieged the country lately.

Were the credentials restored?