Chinese State-Owned Company Ordered to Divest Arkansas Agricultural Land Under New State Law

Fantastic news. We’re paying out the ass for food while a hostile nation is profiting off of our own agricultural land.

No foreign entity should be allowed to own land in America period.


…and there’s NO QUESTION about it.

This Arkansas law that was recently passed, should be the law of the land!

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – A company has been ordered to divest its Arkansas land following a state law passed in the last legislative session banning prohibited foreign parties from owning agricultural land in Arkansas.


No my friend…it’s…wacist. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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It’s not. It’s common sense.
Question, how much agricultural land do US or other nations own in the PRC? And is any of it near military installations?


And Arizona is blocking a Saudi company from pumping ground water. I saw a report about this quite some time ago. The company grows alfalfa for shipment back to Saudi Arabia. It’s a high-water crop, and all the product is getting shipped out of the country. And AZ has been facing drought conditions for years.


I disagree.
I don’t see it that way.

Honda should be free to own its factory in Marysville Ohio.
and the 7 other ones.
Toyota has a dozen or more factories in the USA. They should not be restricted to renting.
Samsung is building a $30b CHIP plant in Texas (on 1,200 acres). It hear it is a good thing.
Wisconsin is the best place in the world to grow ginseng (a hugely popular folk medicine in China etc.) If the Chinese, the Koreans etc,. want to own a ginseng farm, let them.

  • I could maybe meet you halfway.
  • I could maybe agree that if the foreign company is foreign-government owned then they should be restricted to renting.
  • I could maybe agree that if they company buys more land than ‘X’ the land must be used for a legitimate purpose and not simply held.

But a blanket, xenophobic “no foreign ownership” law is simply kicking free market economics in the nuts. We should not pass such a law in any state. It would be a bad law.

Your use of “free market” is too broad.

I am okay with this law if it only forbids foreign government-owned companies from owning land in the US.

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Hey Samson,

How’s that?
A free market would allow Honda to buy land and build a factory in the USA (they already have 8 of them.)

It would allow Samsung to buy land in Texas and build the giant chip plant they are building.

Heck I also support “drill baby drill” and “all of the above,” (because those are free market philosophies.)
That precludes any law saying “We want to favor US oil and mining companies so only US oil and mining companies can dig or drill here.”

That I can agree with.

“No foreign governments” is different than
“No foreign companies, no foreign people. etc.”

Good. Kick their stupid asses out too. The Saudis have no business farming on our land. They lead the world in desalination plants, they need to act like it.

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But not the land it sits on.

For example, McDonald’s is a real estate company at heart, not a fast food company. :wink:

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I think the dividing line needs to be if it’s the land itself that’s the producer or if the land is just “space”.

I don’t think foreign entities should be able to buy the means to our national resources, farmland included.

I don’t have a problem with them buying other types of land to build plants and stuff on, though I would prefer something like that be done via long term lease so “ownership” is never in question.

We pump oil from under the Saudi desert.
They want to pump water from under our desert.

It’s not so scary if both countries have a free market.
It’s when governments start getting involved that things tend to go wrong.