Children in Florida school encouraged to write graffiti on bathroom walls


This was only done in the girl’s restrooms? Isn’t that sexist?

And does that mean no boys were allowed to participate in the painting? (Unless they were willing to identify as a girl for the project, of course…)

Apparently only a cold gray classroom with strict reading, writing and math lessons are acceptable to JWK.

Maybe there is mural in the boy bathroom but the image is of a girl bathroom.

I see you found a REAL issue to latch onto and help JWK out.

No. The issue is teaching young children to deface property under the guise of it being “motivational” messaging.


In every communist dictatorial oppressive country, like Cuba, the people are disarmed. Forewarned is forearmed.

No, YOU specifically brought up mural of Trump.

so your against all school murals?

Here is the deal this was by far one of the most ridiculous stances ever taken here at the forums. Ever!


Great googly moogly…


I see your sarcasm meter needs adjustment…

No one did that. I want you to prove…with documented citations that this was the objective of the project. Otherwise, this is simply a matter of opinion.

Of course it was a matter of opinion.

And he’s entitled to it.

Nope, I think you are fully capable of making and defending that argument.

What shade of gray we don’t want the children to have to much joy.

Well, in that case, they certainly don’t need 50 shades of gray …

I know, I know, that was bad…:rofl:

He’s not entitled to say teachers ARE teaching kids it’s ok to partake in graffiti. He stated it as fact, and needs to prove it.

Of course he is.

And 90% of what goes on this board is mere opinion. And I think we should all have the ability to recognize it.

From the OP

Now we have teachers in our public schools, encouraging children to deface public property with graffiti messages.

Prove that this is what is happening. This does not look to be a statement of opinion to me. I want JWK to prove this was the teachers intent. With citeable facts.

Of course you do.

I gave my opinion. Good luck getting John to accommodate your demands.

Would a picture of President Trump be acceptable as a motivation message?


The unavoidable truth is, the Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s socialist plan for “free” college tuition will be paid for by taxing millions of college graduates who worked for and paid their own way through college and are now trying to finance their own economic needs.