Children in Florida school encouraged to write graffiti on bathroom walls

No. I don’t know. Do you? And even so, if a student decides to write a “motivational message” that, their teacher sucks, is that ok? Or will that student be punished for being politically incorrect?

The bottom line is, teaching children to write on bathroom walls is not a good idea. It is teaching children to deface property.


The Democrat Party Leadership has been encouraging the current ongoing invasion of our southern border since 1985 when amnesty was granted to 2.5 million illegal entrants in return for a guarantee to build a wall and secure our border. And here we are today, no wall, but 10-15 million new illegal entrants and the invasion continues

We all prefer a sterile bathroom.

Of course, we also want a nicely painted bathroom – whether plain white paint, or a tasteful mural. :slight_smile:

John – there are plenty of things worth getting upset about.

Art projects for painting murals on school walls is not one of them.

Art students have been painting murals on school walls for longer than you and I have been alive.

No it’s not.

so you don’t support school having murals?

Note, too. Often the presence of a mural deters other tagging and graffiti.

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I’m sure a painting of President Trump on a bathroom wall would be embraced by the nitwits employed by the school.

On a side note, I’ll bet the vast majority of the teachers in Lakeland’s schools could not pass the 1960 New York State Regent’s exam, but are quite proficient in political correct “motivational messages”. See Almost 100 Polk Co. educators fail state exam


Karl Marx popularized the word “capitalism” __ a word unknown to our founders’ __ to attack the free market system our founders created. Why do so many talking heads refer to our system as “capitalism” rather than a free market system which our founders created? Do they despise the word “free’ like Marx did?

You are confusing graffiti on bathroom walls with murals.




The poison connected to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s socialism is, the most productive, hardworking wage earners across the country ___ some in our nation’s inner cities who work two and three jobs to extricate themselves from poverty ___ are specifically targeted by Cortez’s type of taxation and robbed of the bread they have earned, which in turn discourages them to be productive, and thus begins the Nation’s decline.

Pfffft. That’s not graffiti. Fail.

Not graffiti.

Not murals.


that isn’t graffiti its a mural trying to improve young girl self-confidence.

do you have some issue with trying to improve young woman self-confidence?

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That’s beautiful! Thanks for posting!


So now your issue is they did not paint a portrait of President Trump? Really?

Your interpretive opinion is noted. What they should be improving is the reading, writing and math skills. I guess, it’s more important to “feel” good, than to be good. But hey, that’s the beauty of socialist indoctrination.


So now you are just wholesale against the arts?


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Yes…because as my wife tells me. The worst bullying and negativity takes place in the bathrooms. Shes a teacher…she loves this idea.

JWK, Are you saying these loser teachers with their liberal indoctrination are encouraging students to break the law?


Ummm - they had to write correctly in order to paint the messages on the doors. I believe that would be writing.

And what, exactly, is “socialist” about saying it is cool to be kind (as one of the messages says)? Is kindness a socialist concept now?

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so helping to improve woman self-confidence (something that is very low during teenage years) is socialism?