Chicago gets Comey'd

Same. No surprise. Going after a gay black man is the third rail of liberal politics. They want no part of that. Nothing but bluster.

Actually I thought the Comey comment clearly pointed :point_right: right to Hillary! Comey is the one gave a litany of her crimes and then said no prosecution!! It just the opposite for Trump where Comey pointed to :point_right: Mueller and said go find a crime! :roll_eyes:

Wait, so you want a press confrerence explaining why they’re not going to prosecute someone?

I thought that was verboten.

They put on this big public show about how this behavior cannot be tolerated. I wouldn’t mind knowing what changed their minds. I mean the dude wrote a check for the mugging supplies that he gave the “muggers.” Then there’s the mail fraud part. The whole thing is just a little odd. But we are talking Chicago.

Jussie Smollett isn’t an elite. Hes was a relatively unknown actor until all this happened, and he has a net worth of $500,000.

There was a great story a couple of years ago anout privilege and money saving someone’s ass (actually two asses), but Trumpists weren’t interested., Javanka, Dad’s lawyer makes big campaign donation to DA, fraud charges not filed, overruling line prosecutor’s recommendation, for no apparent legal reason.

Read all about it, I think you’ll find it fascinating.

Jussie Smollett was paid roughly $20,000 per episode.

Not only is he a pathological liar, he has no clue how to handle money. I hope he gets a good shrink.

You must not be quite aware of what that term means.
I’ll give you a hint, Jussie doesn’t fit that definition.
You are however aware of someone who is and its proven many times over a day.

Trump has now been President for over 26 months. If there was any evidence of “crimes” having been committed by Hillary, why wasn’t she indicted anytime during the last 26 months???

I dunno. I doubt he has always made 20k per episode on the series.

Even if he had, 500k would represent an after tax savings rate of somewhere north of 50% I’d think.

I just read somewhere that was what get got paid the first couple of seasons. He was up to 1 million in net worth and 100k an episode before that wrote him out.

Oh really? Proven by whom? Who is your unbiased source? :grin:

The IG report from almost a year ago concluded that the DOJ was correct to not file any criminal charges against Hillary.

Start with Politifact and look up Donald Trump. He lies are proven by his very words.

I asked you for an unbiased source and you give me a liberal one? Try again. You did not choose wisely grasshopper.

His own words will never be enough for you.

They are as unbiased as any other organization is out there. But hell if you want a source just read or watch his own words, it isn’t difficult to see the lie. Remember that time when he said he that he said “Time Cook Apple” but video of that situation proved that wasn’t what he said, yeah he even lies about this as small as mistatements.

Politifact is not a liberal source. For Example, Politifact gave President Obama ‘lie of the year’ back in 2013. And Hillary has gotten several ‘pants on fire’ rulings from that site.

I don’t really care what Chicago does. Just pointing out your comparison was ridiculous.

I didn’t say he never said anything false. I said that I don’t trust the statistics coming from Opponents of The president. Why should I?

What did they say about:

And the rest of the democratic goofballs? All of them are Saints and would never utter a false word?

Altair’s first rule of politics.

Republicans only care about the real or imagined lies of democrats.
Democrats only care about the real or imagined lies of republicans.

Are you seeing something different here?