Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys want “European Army”

don’t forget what we promised eastern Europe when they denuclearized after the fall of the soviet union.

like I said NATO should be a European thing, not an American thing, we should support European military Independence, but make it clear we will always be allies of Europe.

Fair enough. But you’ve toned down in a few posts. I’m incredibly pragmatic so from my perspective it’s hard for us to draw down in Europe for a while. But in all honesty, we have what? A couple ground brigades, a couple combat air brigades, an airborne brigade, four destroyers, an almost battalion of Marines in Norway, some units rotating in and out and a fifty chance of an MEU or carrier group in the Med. Other NATO members have us beat with their militaries. They do their part.

Macrons quote being taken a little out of context here.

Also worth noting that the UK was previously vetoing the idea of an EU-wide military, but with Brexit that veto will be gone.

Yeah! And they’re Freedom Fries from now on!

Given this insult by the French President Macron, from here forward Macaroni and Cheese in the US will be called Little Pipes and Cheese…


It’s less about US spending on NATO than compelling Europe to ramp up military-industrial complex at the cost of the social programs they enjoy, which when cut create investment opportunities for private corporatization of public assets. It is all a wealth extraction scheme.

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They do spend their own money. But you knew that

So hands off Ukraine and Russia decides to take it knowing the US fears a mushroom cloud enshrouded NYC. Next is the Baltics and the US backs down because they don’t want to see NYC up in atomic flames. Next it is …

Why Asia and the middle east? Yes we spend too much money but that will never change. Loo at what’s going on now with the talk of a depleted military etc. A little known historical trend is militaries are supposed to shrink after wars.

Not a good idea. Last time we tried it it didn’t work out too well.

Just when you think liberals can’t get anymore obnoxious or asinine. There wouldn’t even be a France if not for the United States. I swear the French are some of the worst INGRATES in the world.

There probably wouldn’t be a United States without France.


Well that is true but the USA has paid them back BIG TIME!! The French seem to have forgotten WWII.

And for the record, US invading Canada never works. Jerks. Even when we take Montreal(which happened and I wish Montreal were part of the US). We could never get the rest. Jerks.

They actually tried setting this up back in the 50s before West germany was admitted into NATO and rearmed.

France feared Germany controlling its own military (for obvious reasons; France suffered the biggest burden in the First World War and by extension the most horrific casualties and was completely occupied during the second) so the government (which was left leaning at the time) proposed a pan European military. West Germany would have been unique in the sense that its military forces would have been under control of the EDC at all times while France and the Benelux countries would have had independent militaries that would come under EDC command during wartime.

I don’t think Putin has the ability to plow through Europe as Stalin did. I think we should be honest here, one doesn’t need to be pro Russian to see the people in the Donetsk region want to be in Russia as does the Crimea and much of the Ukraine.

Outside of Kiev if you teavel south and east in Ukraine your among Russian sympathizers.

Man, this post is so in line with what I was thinking.

Remember when, during the peace dividend years, a German high mucky muck said we shouldn’t close down bases in Germany because it would hurt their local economy?

While we’re talking stereotypes, from what I understand the French in the countryside are not quite the same as those in Paris or other big cities on that score.