Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys want “European Army”

It as not the presence of individual armies that caused WWI and WWII, it was Nationalism, Imperialism and centuries of ambition and bitter rivalries between the ruling classes of each country that caused those two wars. WW parts I & II put an end to the power of royalty that permitted them to use their armies against each other.

Yep. Just look at the difficulty the arose because of the egos of DeGaul and Montgomery supposedly serving under Eisenhower.

The comments that were supposedly an insult to the country were a LIE by Trump.

Macron didn’t say what Trump said he did!

Right…but if those nationalistic rival countries didn’t have large standing armies capable of aggression…then what would have happened?

They won’t be able to appoint the best commanders for the positions, they will be placing the most politically correct to appease each constituency group.

I’m discussing the OP. What are you talking about?

10 mic drops

Nice goalpost move there buddy.

Yep … kind of like NATO except without the resources.

Not at all. Just reiterating my original point - your post helped make it more clear.

We don’t want every country in teh world having large, able armies.

I am still trying to wrap my head around the concept that they owe us money for two wars that we came out of as the only real winner.

According to Samm, the debt was forgiven. Of course he’s never told us what that debt was because apparently it’s a well-known historical fact and Samm doesn’t provide evidence of well-known historical facts…or something…

No … YOU don’t want every country in the world having large able armies. But then, they never have and never will, so I guess its all okay.

do you want france, germany, belgium, spain, portugal, greece, italy etc…all to have large able armies?

I didn’t say that. I said that those countries having large able armies was not the cause of either WWI or WWII. What you or I want has nothing what so ever to do with whether those countries ever go to war with each other again or not. And having one large European Army instead of a lot of smaller ones, won’t have anything to do with it either.

Take the orange man from the equation for a second and look at a different side of the argument. The EU has been denying for years and years there was ever a plan for a European Army, when they were questioned about it the people questioning them were mocked and ridiculed.

One of the points the “Leave Campaign” had for Brexit was the formation of a European Army. And here is the “The Guardian” newspaper in London saying it’s all a big hoax and lie by the leave campaign. The exact words on whether there will ever be an EU army.

“Claims from the leave side about moves to unify Europe’s armed forces are nothing more than fantasy”

Sorry, but that’s wrong. The fact that they don’t have large, capable armies does in fact prevent them from going to war. Its hard to invade some one if you don’t have the forces to do it with.