Biden has never done anything corrupt? He had to withdraw from one Presidential run because he was found to be plagiarizing. This was on top of being caught plagiarizing in law school. He lied about his standing in college, saying he graduated in the top half of his law school. That’s about as honest as Santos.
What does this machine consider corrupt?
For Biden the machine says it needs evidence, for Trump, it talks about his “reputation”.
I remember a computer in college in the early 1970s that could make it look like you were holding a real conversation with it. It could also play crazy eights.
The best way to protect the American public form corporations who make false advertising claims is to
Open them up to class action lawsuits and
Have D of Justice or D of Commerce pursue appropriate criminal action.
No different than if Johnson and Johnson hides the fact that their talcum powder may contain minute pieces of asbestos that may have fallen from the factory ceiling.
Any program like this is going to be based on certain premises. It will be as biased as whoever inputs those premises. I recall an earlier rendition of this, or perhaps it was a similar program, that “learned” from the people with whom it conversed. By playing around with it, users convinced the machine that Hitler was right to hate the Jews. It was taking its premises from the users.
Johnson and Johnson never advertised its product as “safe.”
Neither did the landlords who had asbestos ceiling tiles and asbestos floor tiles.
Yet the class action lawsuit is done.
Even if you never before alleged harm from asbestos,
someone who never met you and does not know you exist
sued on your behalf, and you can access the money pool set aside in advance for future and currently not complaining asbestos victims.
As usual, follow the money. It is always the money.
If corps could make money by being racists, most would do it.
We already have plenty of evidence that big US firms will shy away from anything that risks looking sexist or racist — not least from OpenAI’s own major financial backer, Microsoft.
Microsoft, which has put an estimated $10 billion into OpenAI, released a chatbot on Twitter named Tay in 2016, which quickly turned into a xenophobe that spouted racial slurs.
The company shut it down and offered an apology for “the unintended offensive and hurtful tweets from Tay.”
The right-wing media ecosystem has accused ChatGPT of being too woke, saying the bot takes progressive stances on, for example, LGBT issues.
OpenAI could kowtow here to ease the headache of political scrutiny by conservatives. But that risks hurting its bottom line. The reality is that blue-chip companies remain sensitive to culture war issues, fearing bad press and losing customers.
If you were to sue for misleading that it was AI, you would first have to define AI. If AI were to be defined as Mimicking human intelligence, you would expect it to be full of biases and assumptions.