Caravan from Central America swells to 7,000, America is under siege

A dozen battalions … bah…

How desperate are they? We have desperate young men coming who have shown an unwillingness to obey authority.

So MS13 and ISIS are allowed to come too?

You like that?

Apparently they think Mexico is a ■■■■ hole.

They are also selfish for leaving their relatives in oppression and crime. If the people are not going to fix their home country, who will?

Doesn’t matter… that wasn’t my point.

So you say. Not bored enough to respond though or to participate in the thread. :wink:

It will enact change. Now what do you do with the illegals that cannot find work or housing?

If laws were not established, who screened and turned back the immigrants that arrived at Ellis Island to be processed?

I thought we were being invaded.:wink:

Coulda said the same thing about anyone fleeing persecution. Maybe the Poles should have stayed instead of what they actually did, flee to fight stronger another day.

Why do you think it odd? They are very clearly in favor of this as well as exploiting children to be used as pawns to claim amnesty. What happens to these children after they’ve been exploited is of no concern.

If they really cared, they would have the borders enforced so that people would be forced to make their own countries a better place to live.

MS13 is less than 1 percent of all gang members in Merica. They’re violent sure. They are really only a threat to other gangs. They are not nearly a national threat to Merica as many other gangs you know nothing about. In fact you knew nothing of MS 13 before your fearless leader made them his boogey man.

The Poles that didn’t stay and fight, and many did, formed an army to go back and fight. These people won’t.

and who’s persecuting these people?..

The point is that the issue will actually get addressed and the term “illegal” will be moot.

The industries that rely on their labor want the underground economy to thrive. Once that economy is brought into the light then the labor that bought and sold can be treated like any other.

Exploiting an underclass is to the benefit of those making money off of it.

Want to address illegal immigration, address the profit motive of having it in the first place.

But it won’t happen, because that would cut into profits… using that underclass as an “other” is much easier.

Mothers and fathers who send their daughters on this trek give them birth control knowing full well they are going to be raped on the journey.

It is the people who want open borders who are complicit in the abuse to women and children that happens to them along the way. Spin being complicit in that any way that makes you feel better about yourself.

The best thing you can do for these people is to force them to turn back and make their own counties livable.

Exactly… With all the effort to come here, they should use that energy go back and fight for their rights…

Different times, different circumstances. Not every immigrant was allowed into the United States. Many were turned back.

We Americans need to refer to this as an INVASION…let’s stop calling it a caravan.
This is truly frightening to see an invasion of 7,000 people heading our way. Hannity and Sara need to investigate just who is financing 7,000 people. it’s looking like SOROS??? This needs to get out ASAP. Who is paying to feed these people? If they are coming from poverty, then they can’t have the money to be traveling and paying for food, etc. WHO IS PAYING FOR THIS INVASION?