Captain America

It’s not open borders at all.

ok, I agree, but for sake of clarity what is open borders?

So why bring up the misspelling at all unless you are trying to make the point that the mis-speller is too stupid to spell the word correctly, and as a result his opinion should not be taken seriously.

That is the very similar to the soft racism where one thinks if someone cant use English grammar correctly, they must be stupid. Remember what Biden said about Obama? “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” Biden said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

So was that implying that other Blacks are not articulate, bright and clean?

Whether Biden meant it as an insult or not, it definitely was. Whether you meant my improper spelling as an insult or not, it definitely was.

It’s not close at all.

This is just an internet message board, you know.

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you are obviously an objective expert, forgive me for my insolence.