Cancer vaccine may be ready by 2030 . . . say inventors of Pfizer's COVID vaccine

Quick, Let’s pour billions of dollars into it and make it mandatory.

One thing I learned when I got cancer is that there are a lot of variables that affect everyone in different ways.
We have learned a lot in the last few decades. For example I followed closely when the PET Scan was developed. It was fascinating to learn how almost all cancers attract and feed off of sugar in the body.
I hope this research is successful. A whole lot of folks could benefit down the road.


I don’t get the point of this thread? Cancer research bad?

Boy who cried wolf?
or maybe
Fool me twice shame on me.

I thought this topic might be interesting given how much untruth was spread regarding Coronavirus.


I was just thinking about the vaccine that is not working…

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Well said.

Still, I remain skeptical about anything coming from Pfizer COVID clack.

Never trust bastards.

Or if you did in the last couple of years don’t trust them again.


Will it work as effectively as their Covid vaccines? :roll_eyes:


Well…if the COVID vaccine is their best advertisement and has the same 91% efficacy that miraculously jumped to 95% after Moderna introduced their 94% er…that they all bragged about in 2020, I’ll wait.

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People who have had cancer and survived are some of the strongest people in the world! I pray you stay in remission and life continues to be wonderful and amazing. Seeing my grandmother go through cancer and surviving, makes me have made respect for people like you Grandwazoo!

Me too.

■■■■ cancer.

In the meantime, tumors feed exclusively off of glucose.

No glucose = starving tumor.

The places on Earth where the least amount of cancer occurs is precisely where fasting occurs the most.


I thought they already had a cancer vaccine.

Or do you mean a vaccine against cancer . . .

:+1: :rofl:

It will probably make people more susceptible to acquiring cancer, but it “won’t be as bad” as if they never got the vaccine. Experts will promise it ensures radiation, chemo, or surgery will be “somewhat more successful”. Mo money! Mo money!

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Depending on the state and age group, the unvaccinated are dying between 2.5 and 6x more than vaccinated. Hospitalization rates are similar as well.

The vaccines work.

■■■■ cancer.

But the vaccine was touted as a vaccine nonetheless

  • it doesn’t prevent you from getting it
  • it doesn’t prevent transmission.

Imagine a woman buys a car that will go around the block (and that’s all), and never more than 30 mph from a salesman who said it will drive like a regular car.

The salesman argues “But hey it looks like a car, and it sorta does something or other, just not what I said.”

The following are true

  • The salesman is a liar
  • he is possibly a criminal
  • the salesman should never be trusted again.
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Against the OG cover strain, the vaccines prevented infection.

The virus mutated reducing the vaccine’s effectiveness against infection, though there still is some level of protection there.

The vaccines still offer a high level of protection against severe illness and death.

I was trying to leave in-depth discussion of the vaccine for the other thread.
I thought by now, all but the deluded have accepted

  • the vaccine might do some good but it sure as hell does not do what its advocates said it would do.
  • the vaccine advocates lie and lied again
  • people and the government over-reacted, punishing anyone who would not conform and pretend belief
  • scientific dispute contrary to the zentral narrative was wrongfully and immorally suppressed.