Canadian election watch (Justin Trudeau wins)

Thanks @CanadianJudo. Personally speaking I am pleased that Canada chose to recognise and vote on the importance of action on climate change.

Watching the link now. Given that it will be a minority Trudeau government will there be a push for electoral reform including preferential voting or proportional representation in place of first past the post?

@CanadianJudo What is your view of the showing of the CCP?

Haha I called this one back in the blackface thread when it came out and said Trudeau would squeak by and win as they will not punish a liberal doing blackface.

Live a long lustrous life PM Blackface of Canada

Are you able to articulate further why the Liberal Party won the 2019 Canadian election?

The question is: How ■■■■ do you have to be to lose to that? He also had a corruption scandal just before the election.

It’s just partisanship I never condemned Trudeau for doing something silly when he was younger, and called they would give him a pass just like the democrats did the blackfacers in Virginia.

Social justice warriors outrage is just political nonsense virtue signaling. Trudeau could have went out and rapped the “N word” he still would have squeaked by. In the end Trudeau blackface “meh whatever”. A right wing blackface “Off with his head”.

It doesn’t matter if the conservative candidate was good or bad the point is blackface is socially acceptable if it is done on the left which is ok in my book just apply the rules across the board.

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There were 338 ridings in which candidates stood for election and Trudeau’s party won 156 of those ridings. Only the voters of Trudeau’s own riding got a chance to vote for him or for another candidate.

Looking up things from 20+ years ago is a sleazy move in my opinion. It doesn’t matter which side does it, and they both do.

That being said: Non-PC stuff didn’t sink Trump. It didn’t sink Trudeau. It hasn’t sunk anyone that didn’t sink themselves.

You are correct it didn’t sink Trump but that could be that as much problems that are going on in the Republican Party they are not the creators of the social justice movement, cancel culture, everything is racist, and metoo. These are all left wing movements and they don’t apply the same rules to themselves.

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It’s my personal belief that these are not left wing, but they come from the idle rich (or poor) who have nothing better to do and are not religious. So they have to fill their time with some cause.

They ran a bad campaign forced to much on attack Trudeau and not enough on pushing their platform.

I have only got through half of the election broadcast; will watch the rest later this afternoon.

Whilst I am not the familiar with all the campaign promising to scrap your carbon tax I would have thought would have hardly helped. Am I right in saying that that the NDP, Greens and BQ would all be supportive of the Trudeau government in general notwithstanding some horse trading?

Wow that sounds oddly familar

It’s okay to blackface if you’re leftwing

Who has said that?

I should note that the liberal lost the popular vote.

Literally any mistake is okay. To them the crime is not being progressive. But if you’re progressive you’re allowed redemption and forgiveness. Because it means you’re controllable. It’s all socially engineered by design that progressives never forgive outsiders but will to their own.

That is quite possible with first past the post. Why doesn’t Canada have preferential voting?

Did the Greens get about the same number of votes as the BQ yet finished with 29 fewer seats?

Trudeau isnt progressive