Canada First ! . .!

It’s not the same gun at all.

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It’s like those double action 1911s.

Like I get what they are trying to do. But what’s the point? Design a new handgun instead of basically abusing a classic single action design.

It feels like they’re trying to make everything the world operate like a Glock. That isn’t necessary. There’s a lot of us who are comfortable with single action hammer fire and don’t want it messed with.

If someone doesn’t want a 1911, then they will get something else. No need to try and turn the 1911 into something it isn’t.

It’s no different than those weird ass AKs that have AR buffer tubes in them instead of the classic AK tang.

No such thing exists.

Double action is a hoplophobe answer for people who don’t know how to run a gun.

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True. But that doesn’t stop them from trying to make it a thing.

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I added to it.

Hammers are skeery.

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That’s why I never sell my guns … no regrets. I sold my '70 Camaro in 1977, that was my lesson in regret.

She was worth it.

Governor Justin Trudeau of the Great State of Canada.


Trump is Cool…


Love it.

Yeah Trump!

Difference is Trump was making a joke, biden would think it true.

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Well, what else do you expect from someone who showers with his daughter :grimacing: :smirk: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Doubtless that statement will be seriously fact checked and receive “Pinocchios” for having proven that Canada is an independent country, and not a state.

I know. Be headlines on Lefty TV.

Left has NO sense of humor whatsoever.

Canada is an english country under an english king.

Thn mexico and Canada will just run towards china. Not really sure why anyone you think these countries would have some loyalty towards the US if we are lowering their standard of living directly.

You realize the US needs other countries to stick with the dollar far more thn they need to use the dollar

Run towards China for what?

Personally, I think the issues will be resolved well before any tariff increase on our two neighbors ever makes it to Trump’s desk for signature.

To export the massive amount of natural resource Canada has. Canada has by far the most natural resources per capita

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Or they will comply with Trump’s wishes and this will work out just fine for both countries.

That’s because they don’t have any capitas.

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Looks like PM Soy Boy is having problems.

"Canada's finance minister resigns as unpopular Trudeau faces biggest test of his political career

Seems the people are tired of paying so much for everything.