Can We Teach Money Management In High School?

If you have no money at the end of the month and your bills are all paid, you’re NOT poor - you’re just broke.

responsibly broke. :wink:


Ha very true, I like the term “responsibly broke”.

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Jody Foster had said she won’t work with Gen Z because they have no work ethic.

We already know they are irresponsible as they don’t want to pay back their student loans.

I have heard stories of Gen Zer’s actually taking their parents to job interviews.

I would say about 90% of thr Gen Zer’s I have worked with are virtually worthless. Show up late, if at all, and when at work spend more time on their phones than anything else.

“Heard stories”.

No idea what industry you work in but when I managed hourly teams there was no discernible difference in any of the age differences when it came to punctuality, call ins and productivity.

I suppose if anything the older members of the team had more approved FMLA than younger members.

Overall though I did my best not to make assumptions about anyone I was responsible for and let their work speak for themselves.

But I accept my experience like yours is anecdotal and YMMV.

Are you invested in an IRA or 401k?

Do you keep a float in your checking account in case of emergency, or do you have money squirreled away in a savings account?

If you answered yes to either, you are never broke.

I know how to create food/water, shelter, medicine, and textiles from scratch.

I’m beyond value.



More financial brilliance from people making twice the median wage.

Why are people claiming the rich are destroying the middle class? The evidence shows they are doing a bang-up job destroying themselves.

The person in this particular deep dive owns two brand new cars (in the year they were purchased that is). One of them carries a 10% interest loan, the other a 14% interest loan.

That alone should tell you that your housecat is using more brain cells than this person. And the housecat is running on one brain cell to begin with.

My used car loan gotten through Empower Credit Union is 5%. Do these people even know what a Credit Union is?!?!