Can we tax, spend, open borders, and massively grow federal government into prosperity for all?


Where are you getting that number?

American infrastructure is falling apart, its simply going to cost more the longer you wait.

Although much of the deficit spending under Trump came as a result of the COVID-19 stimulus

Yeah. I agree about the military spending.

fixing American crumbling infrastructure is socialism?
the only sector of American infrastructure that rates above C is Rail.

I donā€™t see crumbling highways and bridges and dams.

There are quite a few in need of replacement. States can handle it with some federal fiscal support.

I donā€™t mind building some electric vehicle charger stations either.

This doesnā€™t require PR fanfare.

I believe it is correct to say we could actually confiscate the wealth of all the rich peopleā€¦not just tax but take every nickleā€¦

And not make a dent.

I know quoting Tucker Carlson is not something lefties think highly of ā€¦

But heā€™s been talking about how govt isnā€™t really being funded by taxes anymoreā€¦but rather by the random printing of money.


Dems in charge now. So in other word, deal with it.

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Iā€™m for tax cut. I just wish trump tax cut was focus only on middle class and below.

Great post and absolutely correct.

It strikes me that ā€œbut Trumpā€ is not a valid argument for example re: the border since Bidenā€™s first actions In the White House created a significant crisis at the borderā€¦and that he has consistently lied about that crisis since it started.

So indeedā€¦what about the futureā€¦


Focus on the OP, Dems have all the power now.

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Thereā€™s nothing in the OP about the debt or deficit. Focus on the OP, present your case.

Exactly, I didnā€™t mention a single word about the debt or deficit in the OP. The age of big government is upon us, all I want to do here is discuss whether or not it will bring the prosperity for all.

Jude Wanniski succeeded beyond his wildest dreams.

That is not going to happen. The gas sector will increase as more power generation will continue to convert to gas driven plants. Gas has evolved into a massive profit making business. And the oil sector is very stable. It is projected that by 2040 the big increase will be diesels doubling from 2% to 4%. Electric vehicles will be 1% of sales. So the gasoline vehicle market will continue to increase. Not to mention all of the other markets that the oil industry services. What Biden is supporting is taking away big oil federal subsidies. that they do not need to stay profitable.

Iā€™ve still not had anyone in any prior thread tell me how much Medicare for All who can get on our soil is going to cost.

Eventually they will redefine rich.

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Infrastructure projects are the kinds of things governments are at the right scale to be financing.

So Iā€™m not seeing how this type of spending, in which the government has invested since the founding of the Republic, is suddenly a bad thing that will doom us all.

Is roads and bridges what this spending is about?


I agree about the scaling. However is it really an infrastructure bill?

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