Can ultra violet light be used as a disinfectant?

Nobody knew what it was at all until December and most in this country were still clueless about it until March or even later.

Yeah yeah yeah Trump himself said he was full of ■■■■ but here you are to assure us all he’s actually a genius on the cutting edge of medicine.

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Why do you feel the need to continue making ■■■■ up?

Is that really all you’re now left with as an argument?

… he said that in late march. please continue to defend him.


Quote him saying in March Nobody knows what it is.

already did. it had video and everything.

:roll_eyes: He never said that, so is it a downright false information you heard from the MSM or just a symptom of TDS?

No you didn’t. What did he actually say? Not your version of it but what did he actually say in context word for word?

yes…yes i did. but it would require you to read the link or if you can handle it, watch the uncut video.

Speaking of stupid, Did you know that your candidate forgot the name of the president he served with?

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Libs can’t do it! :woman_shrugging:t2: TDS won’t allow for “context” when leftists attack President Trump.

I read it of course and of course we both know he did’t say what you attributed to him.

His word salad is worthy of criticism but no, instead of that you have to make something up we both know isn’t true.

Why do you feel the need to do so?

did you know your candidate forgot where his dad was born, that he had a kid with his wife or where his wife is when sitting next to him?

It’s sad. As often as he says someting stupid you’d think they wouldn’t have to make ■■■■ up he never said to criticize him.

I find it completely baffling.

. I’m not sure anybody even knows what it is

Are you saying uv light used in an endoscopic way cannot kill the virus in our lungs?


So you’re saying what Trump said was stupid?

Why do you suppose bumbling Joe want’s to cancel all debates? :man_shrugging:

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Thank goodness you’re here to tell us that when Trump said he was being sarcastic he was lying but he was telling the truth about the part that he said he wasn’t serious about.

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Finally. Now, how does that differ from what you claimed?