Can Trump assume emergency powers to deal with the invasion at our southern border?

Yes. ongoing invasion!

Also see

The fact is, even the citizens of Tijuana call it an invasion!




All 3 of your links deal with the situation in Mexico and not the US

What do these “emergency powers” allow a president to do? I saw a liberal warning Republicans that a Democrat president could use them to seize guns, but are they really that broad (Second Amendment not withstanding)?

Ye of flexible legalism.

:laughing: :laughing:

So @johnwk2 it appears I’m not the only Constitutionalist on this board that disagrees with you on this one. How do you respond to Safiel’s OP that succinctly challenges your position of supporting an unchecked Executive Branch circumventing the Constitution to steal the power of the purse from Congress?

And here they are bum rushing the border of the united states:

and here they are crawling under the fence at the United States border:

and here they are climbing over the fence at the U.S. border:

What is your point?

We need a properly built barrier which will stop illegal border crossings.


The Democrat and Republican Leadership have conspired, for 35 years, to keep the border opened, and today’s Bill continues to allow and encourage illegal border crossings.

Nothing says “we need to build a wall” like a picture of a bunch of people climbing over a wall.


And tunneling under… :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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What the pictures indicate is, those walls were never intended to really stop illegal border crossings.


The Democrat and Republican Leadership have conspired, for 35 years, to keep the border opened, and today’s Bill continues to allow and encourage illegal border crossings.

Well, at least we’re finally getting an admission that walls won’t stop people from crossing. That’s progress I think.

What we are finally realizing is, those walls were never intended to actually stop illegal border crossings.



The Democrat and Republican Leadership have conspired, for 35 years, to keep the border opened, and today’s Bill continues to allow and encourage illegal border crossings.

No barrier is ever intended to stop crossings.

They are delay devices only. Everyone knows this.

@johnwk2 Are you going to weigh in on Safiel’s post or ignore it? He is arguably the best poster we have here when it comes to Judicial and Constitutional matters. What do you say in response to his take?

This is a screenshot from the third video you posted…

Looks like we are already strengthening that portion of the border… I think we can assume those companies constructing this have made sure there is funding for this construction. Now why do we need a national emergency?

And I’m sure if you ask Safiel, he will tell you under the 1976 national emergencies act the president can shift existing money already appropriated.


The Democrat and Republican Leadership have conspired, for 35 years, to keep the border opened, and today’s Bill continues to allow and encourage illegal border crossings.

There are cameras everywhere… These people caught the staging of these videos…You have to watch this… fake news…

Show us where the NEA authorizes the President to become a king that can usurp the powers of the purse from the Congress.

I’m shocked frankly, that you are actually advocating for the Executive Branch to have powers that far exceed anything the Founders ever intended. You are advocating for the President to have the authority to declare any emergency they personally deem to be, and this declaration gives them the ability to override the will of Congress and become a unilateral, singular power without any checks on them by the rest of government.

But let’s ask @Safiel per your suggestion. Does the NEA allow the President to appoint himself as an unchecked super-power over the United States Government, including taking the power of appropriations away from the Legislative Branch? In your understanding of the act?


The Act allows the president to re-direct some specifically allocated funds.


And just think @johnwk2 the courts will be deciding how accurate your legal prognostications are real soon… First lawsuit has already been filed… :joy: