Not anyone can do it. Only the people appointed under the constitution to do it by the people elected to appoint them.
It’s either that or we pick and choose which parts of the constitution to honor based on how difficult it is to do so.
Not anyone can do it. Only the people appointed under the constitution to do it by the people elected to appoint them.
It’s either that or we pick and choose which parts of the constitution to honor based on how difficult it is to do so.
Marv- I think you are ignorant of law. Tell me one right that is guaranteed by the 9th amendment, from the wording of the amendment. Not from someone else’s interpretation. Tell me one.
Not all abortions fit into your little compartment.
Libs view it as a right. They will pay for the entire cost.
Apology accepted.
Yup, a woman with a dying being in her womb, that she truly wanted…is forced to decide to abort, or risk her own life, for no valid reason.
So yes. I do think that is the right of the woman in that situation.
3 out of the over 60 million? “nice”.
Please say where this woman is. I am not familiar with the case.
Don’t be obtuse. You know that is an approximate total of from 1973 to now.
That is but one, of many stories.
Do you believe those women should have been denied the option of terminating the pregnancy?
The amendment doesn’t list any. It tells us not to assume that only the written rights exist. I’m well aware of how courts have found a way to ignore it.
It should be ignored. The problem is when courts take a pin and write in a right they claim they found in the 9th.
You should do some checking on whether abortion to save the life of the mother was allowed before Roe. Dr Frank Boehm, one of the top Dr’s at Vanderbilt hospital, wrote a column for the Nashville Tennessean(about 15 years ago) saying it was allowed even then.
This might be of interest to you as well.
0.006% of abortions to save mom’s life -
0.006% of abortions to save mom's life
Aug 13, 2012 - 0.006% of abortions to save mom’s life … “Perhaps most worrying of the 2012 statistics is the high number of teenagers undergoing multiple …
So you are OK with late term abortions for the health of the woman.
You sound like a liberal.
Good for you!
(Oh, and WND, is insane…seriously insane)
I understand that risk, but I’ve never heard a convincing way it should be applied that doesn’t require recognizing that some rights exist outside of the written text.
No not at all. A late term problem can be remedied by the birth of the child.
I see now you are just trolling . You don’t give a hoot about the over 60 million who have been killed is quite obvious.
P.S. Seriously insane would be the opinions of Planned Parenthood on the subject.
Wow…i had hope for you. You almost got there.
I can unequivocally state i have never been involved in any abortion, giving one, receiving one, encouraging one, nada, never…
And the fact is, you are the type that does not give a hoot about the child. You only care about the fetus.
Now, you go on and support the party that wants to cut benefits to kids, while cutting taxes for the ultra wealthy.
Go on.
i said Go on!
You may not have had an abortion but you certainly support the party determined to keep the Infanticide legal.
May the lord Rebuke You.
We are done. Have a nice life.
I do not believe in any lords, or rings.
My life is great, thanks!
Hope you sleep well, knowing your party chooses ultra wealthy people, over undernourished kids.
If only those kids could remain fetuses, you guys would do everything to protect them!