Can anyone defend Scott Pruitt


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That’s weird.

How is this even possible? Do you never read a paper or watch the news? This has been above the fold news for months now.

What corruption?

Meanwhile democrats in SC Fifth Congressional District chosen a known wife beater.

In a three way race he got something like 60 percent of the votes.

I’m not ok with any of this. I do find it amusing.

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Pick one. Just one, that really offends you.


He sounds like a real gem.

I’ll defend him…

You seriously haven’t heard about any corruption around Pruitt?

They ALL do that.

I don’t. At least most scummy politicians hide what they are doing. This guy does it out in the open and doesn’t even care.

What is?

No, it’s all I can do to keep up with the Trump corruption and Russian bot people.

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Sure, he rented an apartment from a lobbyist for fifty bucks a month in one of the most expensive areas of one of the most expensive cities in America and then promptly gave him a huge government contract. That was like literally his first week on the job.

Hang on, I’ll go look and come back.

And yet libs had no problem with EPA targeting political opponents or EPA helping people to rally against a mining company in Alaska.

Whatever happen to these agencies remaining neutral?

Your sudden lack of interest in crony capitalism in government. You didn’t think it was amusing before.

LOL this is first for me as well.

Guy is a real sleazebag…a Hillary twin. :wink:

Reminds me of the dude in Montana who body slammed a reporter.