Can an Elephant be a Person?

NY State is hard at your tax dollar’s work to find out.

Can we get a biologist to define what a “person” is, or are some of us still confused as to what a man or a woman is?

Rome is in decline. :rofl:

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Well, some want to grant personhood to trees:


Or Lake Erie:

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They do know that dogs are dogs because they’re pets, right? Otherwise, dogs get eaten and we’re left with packs of wolves.

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Those whacky leftists what to give “person rights” to every creature on the planet except to the unborn baby person. :astonished: “They” are clearly nuts. :crazy_face:

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Unfortunately, the underlying strategy behind this sort of thing is a lot more ominous.

The idea is to grant STANDING to non-humans and inanimate objects.

Once standing is granted, those acting as “next friends” can sue to their hearts content on behalf of these animals and objects, thus greatly increasing their ability to accomplish their goals via judicial fiat, rather than by legislative process.

These sort of things must be fought rigorously and only humans can be recognized as having rights and standing.


A new voting block for progressive Democrats, assuredly.

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It’s not ‘leftists’ it’s wacky groups of people commonly known as ‘PETA’ and ‘HSUS’ (which is basically PETA with suits and deodorant).

Even the most hardcore leftist isn’t that crazy.

Can 10-12 cells?

Bull ■■■■ :rofl:


Exhibit A:

I would be ok with some sort of elevated status for species that are clearly intelligent, elephants, dolphins, octopus, crow family etc. Not full blown human status but some higher degree of protection, oh and I would include dogs just because I really like them.


They’re all leftists in one way or another and yes hard-core leftists are that crazy…IMO.

So trees and rivers and lakes can be afforded rights, but not human embryos? What a silly world libs have created.


I’m not arguing for labeling this elephant a person but caging this elephant by itself in a one acre compound is wrong IMO. If you can not provide the necessary space to give the animal a minimal amount of stimulation to exist, it should not be allowed. I’d set up some sort of guidance stating the minimal space that must be provided to legally harbor a wild animal…especially a mammal.

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as long as they don’t hear a who…

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The Court of Appeals of New York (the State’s highest court) ruled that Happy the Elephant does not have rights under the law, including the right to file a Petition for a Writ of Habeas Corpus.

The bad news is that there are two Judges on that court who actually voted for the non-sensical concept that an animal can have the rights of humans.

It is up to the State Legislature to enact higher standards of care for certain species such as elephants.

The granting of rights to non-humans is just about as retarded as it can get.


Put the bolded phrases together. :wink:

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It appears an elephant can be a person…and a ticked off one at that!

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