"Build Back Better" equals Make China Great not America

It’s up to each individual…to decide for themselves how they’ll choose to vote with their dollars. I tend to look at the big picture. I also like to tip very well. These individuals are on the bottom of our socioeconomic ladder and are attempting to make a go of their lives. I want to be a part of their success, not their demise and that’s good for us all.

And? If you reduced their salary to zero, how much would it increase the workers pay on an individual basis? Peanuts.

Fifty percent is my regular tip. I don’t eat out a whole lot though.

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That sounds nice, but unless there are legislative changes, it will only get worse.

CEO’s made great money in the past…now they make astronomical money.

Are today’s CEO’s 300X better than CEO’s of the past?

Like I said, economic royalty is back.

Fundamental misunderstanding of how the labor market works. You aren’t paid what you are worth, you are paid what it takes to get you, which includes many other factors, such as what your competition is willing to pay.

Don’t forget the dollar stores. I hate those stores. It might be great in poor community but it also kills all other businesses.

Reminds me of a friend of mine. A much in demand CEO in telecomm, he always gets top dollar because he keeps trying to retire to his ranch and grow cattle. But every time he does, they line up and keep offering him more until he can’t pass it up. Even though he doesn’t need to work another day in his life.

I have to add something more. After posting and now reading what is being discussed. Continue doing the same old way of doing business in the past? I would agree consumers are part of the problem for buying cheap. Consumers are also responsible for voting for their political parties policies that are implemented. So now move towards the direction that everything is free. Big government has the answer! I guess there will be a big demand for people to learn programming for all the jobs that will disappear. Socialism is the way to go? I guess so if you want to embrace the Biden Bernie Manifest.

That’s a complexity with Amazon that needs to be noted. It’s not as simple as “Bezos Bad.”

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Don’t know if Amazon works the same way but Walmart is notorious for driving their suppliers down to razor thin margins. Still, I don’t feel any obligation to give merchants good profits either. That’s their problem, my problem is getting the best deal for me.

How about we tax him(and other super wealthy) more? At a higher rate. Because people will still shop at Walmart or Amazon. Why would people play 5$ or even 1$ more when Walmart/Amazon is lower?

Because they will pass those higher taxes on to consumers. Better solution is require them to pay a living wage with benefits and get the money into the community that way instead of giving the money to government to dole out for votes.

Not at all. Government makes the rules. The rules favor capital over labor at this time in history. Change the rules. Or continue with the largest wealth inequality ever. Well, maybe not as bad pre-industrial revolution.

It’s also ridiculous to pretend local merchants were paying their people high wages with good benefits, they were not and are not. I’d rather work for Walmart than the local hardware store. At least there is possible upward mobility at Walmart.

Amazon is not the cheapest place to buy stuff. It is convenient. Different business models.

It’s cheapest in the delivery sector, for the most part. It’s also trusted. Now if you want to talk busting defacto monopolies I am on board.

This again…and it is still wrong.

Do you think Amazon is a monopoly?

Lol, comparing prices between Alaska and Oregon, psst, cost a lot of money to ship stuff up there.