Breaking: Trump pushed Australia's prime minister to help AG Barr in an investigation intended to rebut the Mueller inquiry

That’s a wholly accurate depiction of me watching you among others desperately defend Trump, even though you supposedly didn’t vote for him and you don’t support him.

And seriously, it’s Brooklyn 99. Get the net.

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Wow, that was a long walk to the park in your head. But ok.

I see where you’re coming from now though. I’m looking at it through your eyes and I understand and empathize with why you said this.

And I know exactly why you said it. Because I read John Solomon’s articles too.

The difference is, I know he’s full of ■■■■■

In reality, Barr is blatantly, corruptly, once again, acting as Trump’s personal lawyer, putting pressure on allies, to gin up some bs to help Trump’s election campaign. He’s also speaking ill and attacking our intelligence community, abroad, to our Five Eyes partners!

Barr is a stooge for Trump, not an Attorney General for America.

I’m trying to figure out how this one is illegal?

What exactly is the criminal act here? Cite the statute.

And it was still damning.

I think Penn said he has… ut he doesnt laugh at things

Unforced error.

Don’t have to cite a statute… The constitution spells it out…

The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.

Which has nothing to do with my post or the post I was responding to.

Keep clinging though.

Mike Pence 2019.
Everyone gets off easy

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If none of this is illegal or even damaging, why is Donald ■■■■■■■■ himself on twitter?

He must be tweeting fifty times a day.

:grin: Did they really? I knew they busted down to the Opinion section.

Newsweek is suggesting that Trump will resign in exchange for a blanket immunity at the State and Federal levels for himself, his family and the Trump Organization: essentially trading the Presidency for his money.

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To be fair, bought out is probably a better term since he was one of the bigwigs. Either way, got rid of.

I’ve noticed they’ve already stopped force feeding their horrible video content on everything, which was also his pet project.

deal. He can have a pardon for him and his whole clan up until the day he leaves office.

Nah… I want to know everything.

Give it a week. They’ll ■■■■ up something else, again.

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But the issue is what is the crime?
This looks bad to normal folk, but it can be spun in the sense trump is just trying to find out the truth because his base thinks it’s a hoax.
This goes deeper than bad optics…almost like it was designed to be leaked out. Create chaos .

My personal favorite is:

Mike Pence 2019
Let the prophecy be fulfilled

But no one else seems to dig it.

Everyone gets off easy ← this one does have a good ring to it.

and it works. Let him off easy if he resigns. I get it. He’s thinking like Blagoviech “I got this ■■■■■■■ thing and its gold” and wants to make a deal. So here’s the deal:

Pack your ■■■■ and go. Keep what you took and just go, don’t come back.

Mike Pence 2019.
beacuse the pimple had to be popped