Breaking: Trump praises Qanon supporters

Lol. The is the facts as linked many times on this thread. I love magical thinking that Q believers do.

sprinkle the word “patriot” around and Qers will believe anything.

Patriots are never going to be found amongst the globalist/communist minions.


What is Tom Hanks? A patriot or globalist?

Will be a funny as hell when people find out Q is nothing but a couple of young dudes who started it all as a joke a bit like the kids that sabotage his “comeback” rally.

If these goofs get into power we richly deserve it.

Also the internet has managed to ruin another thing I enjoyed for entertainment value, conspiracy theories.

Have you ever seen the first “Q drop?” It was written in a way a fifteen year old 4channer thinks spies talk.

I know that’s why I posted what I did. All these mugs have been suckered in.

Feom Oct. 2017, the first ever Q drop. :rofl:

That’s the thing that bothers me the most. I’ve been into conspiracy theories since I was a teenager and while the conclusions they draw tend to be totally bonkers, they’re based on actual facts about orders of Crusader knights or the shadowy advisory groups of the post WW2 world or secretive fraternal groups that do in fact like to act like they got a bunch of secrets.

Even anti vaxxers pretend it’s real science. But this, it’s just based on nothing. Literally nothing. Gibberish. From ■■■■■■■ 4chan.

The second Q drop two days later, stating that Hillary was arrested. :rofl:

Seems the more outlandish and detached from reality the post is the low information types leap on it throw in the word “patriot” mange to some how throw in an agency name and maybe Obama and BAM! You have the perfect formula for the stupid to start foaming at the mouth.


I just feel like even stupid people were more discriminating fifteen years ago.

Well they ha e a role model they didn’t have 15 years ago. Mr Trump spouts crap and they just lap it up.

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BLM and ANTIFA are real too…real violent…and libs love those guys.


More scary, conspiracy theories

only liberal are child traffickers!

Are you sure about that, Clinesmith just pled guilty meaning America was lied too about Trump colluding with Russians.

What happen?

462419-Aug-2020 7:35:15 PM PDT8kun /qresearch 10351796

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