Breaking: Trump admin has known for weeks that Iran, Russia hacked local governments

And of course they did nothing. This is what trump is begging for. He’ll use it to claim the election isn’t legit,

“Two U.S. intelligence officials told NBC News the Trump administration has known for weeks that Iran and Russia had successfully hacked local governments and obtained voter registration and other personal data”

Sort of like Obama administration watching russians mess with the 1016 election and not really saying anything about it, or warning the public or anything?

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Obama expelled Russians for an act he covered up?

No, not like that at all.

How would the Iranian gov benefit from re-electing Trump?

Depends on the long game. Tehran plays long, always. [Not saying Iran acted as DNI hints, all the same.]

But what about…


So I have a question but I doubt I will get a honest answer.

My understanding is Russia and Iran got the local voter roles with addresses and the party they are reigstered with.

When i use to work on campigns -We would get that as well. It was public record that many companies would sell to us.

Did they really “hack” this info…or did they simply get a US company to buy it and send it to them?

Here are the laws by state.
Im not clear how anything was “hacked”

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Trump really lucked out that Foruegn Affairs is off the table tonight.

I buy these all the time when I support candidates for local races.

Person, address, party, what elections they have voted in.


Right. So did Iran and Russia “hack” into state voter rolls? Or buy them?

It keeps the US outside of the rest of the world that is pressuring them to not pursue nukes? Which they are now in overdrive pursuing without us in the Iran agreement? Not sure if this is the case or not, but potentially the case.

Another thought is that Iran and Russia are close. As Russia gains in strength, so too does Iran. And we know for a fact Russia is as strong as they have ever been with Trump.

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Iran also needs markets.

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Indeed. Another good point.

First and last line of defense.


Where does it say they did nothing?

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China is also backing Iran.

They are also free to pursue nukes without any real penalty.

So basically we went from a deal that barred Iran from pursuing nuclear weapons and being drawn into Europe’s influence to them being able to get nukes and being backed by China and Russia.

Great job there.


well they did do Something after all.

I completely forgot about that. Excellent point. We have helped to create a new Axis of Evil. China, Russia, Iran, and a side-helping of North Korea.

And instead of opposing them, we are openly providing them with the room they have been desperately seeking to run freely. Cool. Good job Trump!

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