Breaking: Top diplomat confirms there was quid pro quo

The board isnt what it used to be. For varying reasons people have just left.

Trump’s lawyers used this in an emoluments case. Staying that the president cant be charged while in office. The reasoning is we have impeachment for that.

Sure when you add qualifiers like this then barr didnt state it.

Can you imagine Rudy in an open hearing?
I’d have to call off for that

They’ll return once a Democrat is in the White House. Or at least once a defensible Republican is in the White House.

It could probably be an SNL skit unedited.

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It must happen…it must

I dont know…I dont think so…I think what you see now is what you get.

So you’re saying sondland should testify to congress asap to clear this whole mess up right

Also going to need copies of those cables mentioned in Taylor’s opening statement…

Varying probably is the right word in this case.

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WhAt CrIMe WaS COmmITteD

Coffee boy to Ukraine you mean

That’s what an inquiry is for. Patience

Well, Trump, like a moron, just admitted the military aid was withheld. It doesn’t matter if the Ukrainians knew or not (Narrator: They knew) but this re-confirms what we all already know. Trump used OUR money to attempt to blackmail an ally and key strategic partner in containing one of our most hostile foreign enemies, Russia, for his own personal gain in the upcoming election. THIS. IS. WRONG!!!


You beat me to it! Yeah, I don’t think they thought this talking point through too much. The wheels look like they are going to start coming off soon.

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They are backed into a corner from which there seems little escape opportunity. Every single defense they have thrown around has been batted down with testimony and receipts. I don’t think any of them really know how to combat this, other than pure gaslighting. But I’m not sure how much runway exists for such a move. Sure, the ~30% of the unmovable base will nod along in perpetuity, chanting “No quid-pro-quo…No collusion…No obstruction.” But the rest of the public seems less swayed by such inane tactics.

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This is likely just a trap being set by Trump. Hannity reported last night that sources are telling him that all the witnesses have destroyed Schiff in their testimony.


I heard that too. “Sources”.

We’ll see if that carries over into the Senate hearings, if/when we get there.

I haz a sad that no one appreciated my “Waldo” joke, so I’ll try another tack.

Where in the world is Rudy?