Breaking... President Tells Putin he'll be more flexible after re-election

What do you think they are plotting? Are Trump’s sanction on Russia a secret ploy?

Why does Germany send so much Money to Putin?

I am not going to speculate. But what is interesting is that now there have been multiple times when Trump has talked with foreign leaders and circumvented WH SOP. And the other thing I know is that if it was a Democrat POTUS doing the exact same thing you guys would be screaming bloody murder.

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It came upon many on the Right beginning on June 16th, 2015.

At least 62.8 million were afflicted with the sickness by November 8th, 2016.

There has been little if any easing of the ailment since then, if any at all, and it has only gotten more serious with many than it was originally. It is a debilitating political sickness of the mind. It makes on forget how they hated empirical presidents, makes folks forget that presidents golfing was something they used to loathe, makes folks afflicted with the sickness forget that Russia and North Korea were our adversaries. It makes folks completely forget that Republicans once were for smaller Government and all against wasteful spending. The list of symptoms just goes on and on.

It is a really sad sickness.