Breaking News: Under US law there is no President-Elect until at least December 14

This in response to a post where I said recounts have only ever changed at most a hundred votes or so.

It’s like posts aren’t even being read.

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Everybody here knows this. States were not projected as wins by the media until results from election officials showed an insurmountable lead.

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Which is why Arizona, North Carolina, Georgia, ME-2 and Alaska have not been called yet.

Well Fox and AP called Arizona…and were probably sweating for a while but it looks like Biden might sneak by.

And ME-2 I believe has been called by almost everyone except CNN.

i read it, was riffing off rove "republican math " ;p as in somehow republicans think that an instance where 200ish vote will occur with an instance with thousands of votes.

There are still plenty of votes that have not been counted. Nor have there been any recounts.

This is the first election where so many of votes were by mail. This is also the first election that I know of where a “glitch” the software used 30 states moved a sizable number of votes from one candidate to the other.

It ain’t over till its over.

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Trump has not even ponied up the money for Wisconsin recount his campaign called for. shows how serious they are about that one…

You’re right. His Malignancy might still nuke Iran, marry Ivanka in a moonie mass wedding, or test out the 5th Avenue shooting theory.


Sweating indeed. That was a gaffe to call it that early. The stakes are way too high for that ■■■■■

No votes were moved from one candidate to another. It was improperly reported, nothing more. You know this.

Every election in my lifetime was called long before all of the votes were counted. That’s how it works.

The call has never been wrong, so far.

Was it a glitch in the software, or human error?

If you want to hold out hope, so be it. But it will hurt more, in the end.

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I think he spends all his time in the Conservative Unreality Bubble. Never seen him post from even as mainstream a source as FoxNews.

So to be fair, he might not know it was a reporting error and not a tabulation error because these things circulate in the CEC blogosphere forever.

I want to know who BigFoot voted for. That’s the real story noone is talking about.

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Technically, he can’t - you can’t ask for a recount until after the vote count is finalized.

I suspect he won’t even bother. It’ll cost him a lot of money to ask for recounts.

Umm, forget the networks called if for Gore initially?

From The Florida Recount Of 2000: A Nightmare That Goes On Haunting : NPR

By 8 p.m. ET on their election night specials, the national networks were calling populous swing states such as Pennsylvania and Michigan for Gore.

Taken together with Florida, those states triggered the network’s computer programs to conclude Gore would win the Electoral College. Viewers around the country would soon see Gore’s face on screen as the projected winner of the presidency. Celebrations began in Democratic headquarters everywhere.

…for an hour or so. By 10pm EST on election day, they had all rescinded the call.

No networks finalized their calls for the election for Gore - just Florida.

I think all Americans (who aren’t Trump sycophants) are in favor of counting each and every single legal vote.

Trump, in a fantanstic display of the opposite of patriotism, has filed around 40 law suits this election season, all of which depend upon NOT counting votes or only counting votes that benefit him.

What does that say about his view of democracy?

Define “contested.”

Hint: “contested” isn’t a thing just because Q and Trump say it is.

Well it shows Democrats are crooks or something.

The Reality TV Con Man is the only honest one in Washington…everyone else is corrupt to the bone…

The bottom line is literally this:

  1. People who believe in democracy want a free and fair election with the people having a voice;


  1. Trump does not.

Pretty sure you are aware that his objection is to counting illegal as opposed to legal votes. Non postmarked ballots deemed to be postmarked, that sort of thing.