Breaking: Michael Cohen being sentenced today

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“and thereby influence the election”
Hot damn!


Clearly this is bout Hillary.

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This is the second time. So now of 3 party(trump, AMI, Cohen) 2 of the 3 admit to influence of ellection

This is starting to look like a worldwide conspiracy to deprive a president of the presidency.

Our entire Constitution is being undermined . . . by the National Enquirer!


So many criminals in one nice pic. At a guess, I’d say there are only 2 who are not guilty as sin of something (maybe a third but I doubt it).

Eric, Secret Philanthropist!

I just liked that picture as the first example of irony, however unintentional, from that publication.

He is trying, give him a break.

trying so hard to create a “Royal” family of America.

Three stinking years, three. Some people are convicted for LIFE for pot possession, and this ass does worse?

There’s no justice until Idiot Boy is taken down.

Only one who gets a break is Tiffany.

To be fair, that is more about the stupid application of “three strike” style laws.

Non violent criminals should not really be in prison at all IMO.

Well, not a secret now. Maybe a lie, but not a secret.

Brutal…absolutely brutal. And this is Trump’s very own appointed Prosecutors stating all of this in a Statement of FACTS. Everyone hear that, FACTS! As in corroborated, evidence supported, reality of events as they occurred.


Not much wiggle room there.

Cannot wait for the CEC spin cycle to respond.

After we hear more about Hillary, of course.

Hey, snags is back!

Uranium One
Clinton Foundation
Bleach Bit/Acid Wash
Obama committed worse campaign violations
John Edwards was acquitted and his was worse

And the likely ending point when Trump goes down…

2-Tier Justice System. Rigged against conservatives. Illegal to be a Republican. :face_vomiting:

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Well, that’s not true.