BREAKING 10:13 AM today President Biden working on inflation-fighting strategy

Pensions in Ukraine….seems like a legitimate use of the tax dollars paid by hard working Americans.

And hey it’s not like our country is broke or anything!

“The US is on target to eclipse previous economic forecasts and add a staggering $19 trillion to the national debt in the next 10 years, according to the nation’s budget scorekeeper….The CBO projects that within a decade, the national debt in relation to the size of the economy will rise to unprecedented levels. Debt held by the public is projected to reach 118% of GDP by 2033 — the highest level ever recorded – according to the CBO….The CBO’s new projections show $3 trillion more will be added to the national debt by 2033 than was previously expected.” CBO projects US will add $19 trillion to the national debt in the next decade

And it’s certainly not like Americans are just prospering…

Joe Biden’s America….thanks libs.

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Takes a while sometimes.

A "What you see what you pay
website may yet come about.

Of course in Pennsylvania that would be verboten
because the law requires pre-tax prices be displayed larger and more prominently than prices which include sales tax.

In general, if we assume hotel fees are not the one and only problem the world will ever have, then there are two approaches

  1. gov’t should micro manage each and every problem, the biggest squeaky-wheel or biggest donor wins (tried that under King George III, hated it so much we formed a whole country in opposition to that approach.

  2. Let the free market decide,

Great post….

As I asked before….

Do we really want another bundle of bureaucrats justifying their taxpayer funded existence by “regulating” nuisance fees?

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Thank you.

It is not a coincidence that the year Adam Smith wrote about “the invisible hand” was 1776.

There is a long tradition-a millenia’s long tradition-of government of interceding in financial transactions to ensure fairness. There is nothing out of bounds here, and it has wide spread public support.

So…no. Time to end deceptive billing practices. The market hasn’t done it, it’s time to use the government.

The government is doing it.It’s just that in the minds of people who think like Josef Stalin that somehow “doesn’t count.”

REpeating example from above

Atlantic City Hotel

  • 9% luxury tax
  • 3.625% state sales tax
  • 1% state occupancy fee
  • City Tourism promotion fee $2/day if hotel has casino, $1/day if not
  • Casino Room fee $3/day if the room is “comped”
  • Parking tax $3/day

Immediately outside AC some of the above taxes do not apply but a 5% municipal luxury tax may apply

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Nuisance fees.

Why do I suspect if we allowed some group of federal regulators to take action not one of those taxes would be touched?

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So now I’m Joseph Stalin. :roll_eyes:

but these days you and your lib buddies think like him.

  • Harry Truman Democrats —> Democrats of working families
  • 1960s Democrats —> “live and let live, let the sun shine in”
  • Democrats today —>
    – corporations are evil,
    – racist boogey-men are hiding under every bed and in every closet,
    – the purpose of K-12 education is to free your kids from your evil influence so they can choose their own gender
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Oh no…Ukrainian pensions will be covered…

Our border will remain wide open veterans will be sleeping in the streets and East Palestine Ohio will remain a toxic waste dump but the Ukrainians…

(Sadly I’m only being slightly facetious).

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We know how these elitists in DC operate.

A bunch of Marie Antoinettes.

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Just listened to an interview with the mayor of East Palestine Ohio and a resident on Jesse Waters show…

When they were asked how watching Biden travel to Ukraine to give away a half a billion dollars of American taxpayer money to the people in need…in Ukraine…

They indicated they were beyond disappointed….no one from the Biden administration has been to the Ohio Pennsylvania border…

But Joe is traveling across the Atlantic to give away our money to Ukrainians…

I’m sorry the folks in Ukraine got attacked….but at some point shouldn’t Americans come first with the disgusting bought and paid for fraud Joe Biden.